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Indonesia is an archipelagic country that has a variety of natural resources that are very
potential as economic resources. These natural resources are found in various regions in
Indonesia. The management of natural resources in each region is generally carried out
according to the local culture in the area concerned. The local rules or laws have basically
been in effect for a long time and have been carried out from generation to generation by the
local community. As is the case in Bengkulu Province which has natural resource potential
with local culture and rules in managing natural resources. Regarding local law, which was
originally a means of managing and utilizing natural resources in the region, at this time,
especially in the era of economic globalization, it is not only dealing with state law (national
law) but also economic and legal issues in the international context. This paper seeks to
examine the problem of how the existence of local law is related to the use and management
of natural resources in the era of economic globalization. The writing of this article is
extracted from several results of legal research that has been carried out using non-doctrinal
legal research methods through a socio-legal studies approach. Based on the results of
research in several locations in Bengkulu Province, applicable local laws relating to the use
and management of natural resources have experienced a shift, although in some areas local
legal values are still believed and become guidelines for local communities. This is because
apart from the enactment of state (national) law, the enactment of regional autonomy is also
due to the need for economic development in the global era.

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How to Cite
Ambarini, N. S. B., & Hatikasari, S. (2022). Eksistensi Hukum Lokal Dalam Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam Dan Lingkungan Di Tengah Pusaran Ekonomi Global . University Of Bengkulu Law Journal, 7(1), 1–15.