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The phenomenon of many types of statutory regulations being formed, there is the formation of a number of policy regulations. The main issue related to policy regulations is the issue of accountability and supervision. Because its formation is based on "free" authority, this policy regulation is vulnerable to abuse even though the accountability mechanism is not clear. The problems are: (1) What is the existence of policy regulations related to legal force and the implications that arise from their implementation? (2) How is policy regulation carried out to ensure that there is no abuse of power? This research uses normative legal research methods. Research results: The existence of policy regulations (beleidsregel) was formed not based on attribution or delegation authority from the Constitution and Laws, but was formed on one's own initiative (discretion) in order to resolve the government administration problems faced. Policy regulations are not statutory regulations and are not directly legally binding. The unclear status of policy regulations has the implication that the supervision carried out over them is still not optimal because there are no explicit regulations regarding the supervision mechanisms that can be carried out. To clarify the scope of supervision of policy regulations, there needs to be a revision of Law no. 30 of 2014 concerning Government Administration so that supervision of the use of discretion is not only aimed at decisions and/or actions of Government Officials but also includes supervision of the use of discretion which results in policy regulations. Apart from that, a monitoring mechanism through the judiciary must be sought where the Supreme Court must have consistency in its decisions and provide criteria related to policy regulations that can be tested to control them so that they are not misused.
Keywords: discretion; policy regulations; supervision
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Copyright (c) 2024 Rommy Patra, Muhammad Syafei, Muhammad Badarul Husna, Muhammad Irwan Djohan, Deea Rizky Famula

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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