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One of the most harmful pests of sugar cane is the Chilo sacchariphagus striped stem borer because it causes a decrease in the quality and quantity of sugar cane. Scratched wounds can be a place of infection of various pathogens so that it can result in fatal losses that can cause the death of sugar cane plants. The purpose of this study was to determine the concentration of tobacco liquid smoke that precisely suppressed the attack of striped stem borer. The study was conducted in the Experimental Garden Sweetener and Fiber Crops Research Institute Malang in May to September 2018. The study was conducted using a randomized block design with 3 replications. The treatments consist of: concentration of tobacco liquid smoke: 10 ml / l, 8 ml / l, 6 ml / l, 4 ml / l, 2 ml / l, Diafentiuron concentration 2 ml / l (negative control), and without treatment. Spraying of liquid tobacco smoke is done every 2 weeks. The results showed that the treatment of tobacco liquid smoke concentration had no significant effect on the intensity of the striped stem borer attack, but the number of sugar cane tillers and sugar content showed a significant effect

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Author Biography

Dyah Roeswitawati, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

How to Cite
Roeswitawati, D., Nidya, N., Indratmi, D., & Prabowo, H. (2020). Liquid Tobacco Smoke Concentration Test Against the Intensity of Stem Borer (Chilo saccharipagus) Attack on Sugar Cane. Akta Agrosia, 23(2), 72–76.


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