Journal Description

Akta Agrosia is dedicated to researchers or academics who intent on publishing research, scientific thinking, or other scientific ideas.  The articles published in the Akta Agrosia are the author’s original works  covering on Crop Production, Crop Physiology, Pest and Disease, Soil Science, Agronomy, Plant Genetics, Plant Breeding, Plant Biotechnology. The submitted papers will be blind reviewed by relevant peer-reviewers.  Akta Agrosia is published in English by Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Bengkulu in collaboration with Badan Penerbit Fakultas Pertanian (BPFP) UNIB, biannually in June and December. ISSN:1410-3354 (printed media) and eISSN: 2615-7136 

Akta Agrosia is indexed by Google Scholar and Dimensions.

Vol. 27 No. 2 (2024)

Published: January 2, 2025

The Growth Responses of Shallot (Allium cepa L.) Toward Different Levels of Salt Stress

45-51 Andi Kurniawan, Derris Trian Rahmandhias, Widi Dwi Noviandi

Enhancing Nitrogen Use Efficiency, Growth, and Biomass Yield of Pak Choy on Coastal Entisols with a Combination of Reduced Nitrogen Fertilizer and Zeolite-Based Slow-Release Fertilizer

52-63 Cynthia Resti , Marwanto Marwanto, Merakati Handajaningsih

Characterization of the Existence of Morphology Endophyte Bacteria of Garlic (Allium sativum L.) with Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) in the Highland Areas

64-70 Gusni Yelni, Musliar Kasim, P.K. Dewi Hayati, Dini Hervani

The Effectiveness of Biochar, Compost, and Natural Phosphate in Improving Soil Quality in Oil Palm Plantations

71-80 Endriani Endriani, Sunarti, Yulfita Farni, Diah Listyarini, Najla Anwar Fuadi

The Use of Three Techniques to Control the Pest of “Walang Sangit” (Leptocorisa oratorius F.) on White Glutinous Rice (Oryza sativa L. var glutinosa)

81-94 Ameilia Zuliyanti Siregar; Muhammad Awwalul Ikhwan

The Effects of Vermicompost Dosage Applied at Different Times on the Growth and Yield of Sweet Corn

95-102 Mutia Mayasari, Sigit Sudjatmiko, Hesti

Organic Fertilizer Application on Three Varieties of Irrigated Low-land Rice (Oryza sativa L.)

103-110 Asman Suhadi , Widodo Widodo, Sumardi Sumardi, Priyono Prawito, Faiz Barchia
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