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Bacterial panicle blight in rice plants caused by Burkholderia glumae. These bacteria interfere with the grain filling process so that the grain is not filled and can cause yield losses of up to 75% on pathogenic infested land. This study was conducted to determine the effect of B. glumae suspension volume and inoculation method on the development of bacterial panicle blight. The research was conducted on vegetative and generative rice plants using a factorial completely randomized design with the volume of bacterial suspension as the first factor and the inoculation method as the second factor. The results showed that the higher the volume of the B. glumae suspension inoculated, the higher the severity of bacterial panicle blight in rice plants. Both the inoculation and injection methods can cause the same disease severity. Besides, the severity of bacterial panicle blight in the generative phase is more severe than in the vegetative phase.

Keywords: Burkholderia glumae, generative phase, vegetative phase

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How to Cite
Kusdiana, A. P. J., Hidayat, J., Zulaiha, S., & Wahyudin, D. (2022). The Effect of Volume and Inoculation Method on the Development of Bacterial Panicle Blight Disease in Rice Plant. Akta Agrosia, 25(1), 17–23.


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