Manuscript Preparation and Enclosing Style
General Requirements
Authors who will submit manuscripts to the editorial team of the Nursing Vocational Journal (JVK) must pay attention to the general requirements below.
- The text or the format of your article is already appropriate with our article template, if don't, please see first our Author Guidelines, Focus and Scope.
- Manuscripts are original articles (never published elsewhere) originating from studies or research.
- Manuscript thickness of at least 10 pages and a maximum of 15 pages.
- Manuscripts accepted at JVK have a maximum plagiarism level of 25%.
- Quotation and references follows APA 7th style and the latter should be included at the end of the article. Minimum 20 References in the last 10 years.
- Manuscripts are sent via online submission on the website
Format and Systematics
- Manuscripts are sent to journal editors in the form of softcopy (MS.Word), with the following format.
- Paper size A4 (21 cm X 21.7cm) with page margins, left 3 cm, top 2 cm, right 2 cm, bottom 2 cm.
- Manuscript thickness of at least 10 pages and a maximum of 15 pages.
- Manuscript writing is arranged with a spacing of 1 cm, two column format, except for the title, author biodata, abstract/abstract, table title/table content, image/diagram/graphic/chart/sketch title arranged 1 space
- Writing the title of the manuscript and the title of the discussion are written in all capital and bold letters, while writing the subtitle is written in capital letters on the first letter of each word, except for conjunctions (and, by, or, with, as well as, about, which , with, against, so, because, then), prepositions (in, to, of, on, to, in, by, until, for, by), and bold (bold).
- Manuscripts are written with the following systematic writing.
- TITLE (Time new romance 14). The title must be specific, clear, concise, informative, describe the substance or content of the writing, and be able to arouse a sense of reading. The title does not need to start with the word research/analysis/study, unless the word is the subject of discussion. It is possible to have a main title followed by a subtitle.
- Writer's name (Times New Roman 12). Authors must use real names (not pseudonyms) and not include academic degrees. The full name followed by the title and description of the author can be displayed in the footnote.First author as correspondence and must be first in line. IfMore than one author must be separated by a comma (,).
- Author Affiliation (Times New Roman 12). Affiliation is the address of the institution/institution where the author works/works/studies. This affiliation is closely related to the competence, responsibility and juridical consequences carried out by the author's home institution.
- Correspondence (Times New Roman 12). Correspondence contains the first author's email address.
- ABSTRACT (Times New Roman 12). Fill in the abstract or abstract (Times New Roman 11). Place the Indonesian abstract first, followed by the English abstract. The abstract consists of the subject matter, objectives, methods, results, and/or results of the study/research. Abstracts are written in the form of one paragraph, without references, without abbreviations/acronyms, and without footnotes. Abstracts are written not in the form of mathematics, questions, and conjectures. The abstract is not the result of copying and pasting the sentences in the manuscript. The content of the abstract contains a maximum of 250 words in Indonesian or in English.
- Key words (Times New Roman 11) and content keywords (Time New Roman 12). Keywords or keywords in Indonesian and English in accordance with the rules/standards. The minimum number of keywords is three keywords and a maximum of seven keywords.
- INTRODUCTION (Times New Roman 12). The introduction is written in Times New Roman 12 font.
- LITERATURE REVIEW (Times New Roman 12). The contents of the literature review are written in Times New Roman 12 font. The literature review is a description of the theory used as a support in the discussion of the results of the study/research. All references used in the literature review and the contents of the manuscript (used as a source of quotations) must be in the list of references.
- METHOD (Times New Roman 12). The contents of the method are written in Times New Roman 11 font. The method is a series of work in conducting research, starting from the method of carrying out data collection to data analysis.
- RESULTS (Times New Roman 12). The contents of the results are written in Times New Roman 12 font. The results are not raw data, but data that has been processed/analyzed using a predetermined method.
- DISCUSSION (Times New Roman 12). The discussion is a comparison of the results obtained with the existing concepts/theories in the literature review. The contents of the results and discussion include statements, tables, drawings, diagrams, graphs, sketches, and so on.
- CONCLUSIONS (Times New Roman 12). The content of the conclusion is written in Times New Roman 12 font. The conclusion is an overview of the results of the discussion of the research that has been carried out. The contents of suggestions are written in Times New Roman 11 font. Suggestions should be written in one paragraph.
- REFERENCES (Times New Roman 12). The contents of the bibliography are written in Times New Roman 12 font. The bibliography is a source of reference/reference used as material for citations in manuscript writing. Writing a bibliography using rulesAmerican Psychological Association(WHAT). Writing and compiling a bibliography using the Mendeley reference manager application. The number of reference sources that are used as a manuscript bibliography is at least 15 titles of scientific literature (80% primary literature, such as scientific journals, scientific papers/proceedings, research reports, theses/thesis/dissertations; and 20% secondary literature, such as books and scientific blogs/websites Internet).
Writing Tables and Figures
- Table Title (Times New Roman 10). Table contents are written in Times New Roman 10 font. Table titles are written above the table in capital letters for each word, except for conjunctions and prepositions, and written in the center. Table inwrite continuously,for example Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, etc. The table must be followed by the source of the table, if cited from another source.
Writing Quotations
Quotations are ideas or thoughts of other authors (or the authors themselves in other works) which are used as reference sources to be quoted without changing their meaning. Writing excerpts from the Journal of Vocational Nursing (JVK) uses an in-text reference system (references in brackets), without using footnotes or endnotes. Abdominal notes are references by writing the author's name and year of writing along with the page referred to. Writing captions for quotations is placed in brackets. The format for writing citations for the Nursing Vocational Journal (JVK) manuscript can be written at the beginning or end of the citation. Writing excerpts from the Journal of Vocational Nursing (JVK) using the Mendeley reference manager application.
- The author's name at the beginning of the sentence
- Hartinah (2012), said that to facilitate and optimize scientific journal accreditation services, the Indonesian Institute of Sciences implements an information technology system that allows access to information online.
- According toNashihuddin, Fathoni, and Aulianto (2015), scientific periodicals are publications that are published periodically within a certain period of time which are arranged according to the rules of scientific writing.
- Lenkeit et al. (2015), recent decades have seen a rise of international large-scale assessments, which have become an influential instrument for informing educational policies. Likewise, they play an ever-increasing role in academic research. The vast information provided by the surveys relates to research topics relevant in various disciplines. We review the impact of the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) on academic research and its representation in English language peer reviewed journals.
- The author's name at the end of the sentence
- To facilitate and optimize scientific journal accreditation services, the Indonesian Institute of Sciences implements an information technology system that allows access to information online (Hartinah, 2012).
- Scientific periodicals are publications that are published periodically within a certain period of time which are arranged according to scientific writing principles (Nashihuddin, Fathoni, and Aulianto, 2015).
- Recent decades have seen a rise of international large-scale assessments, which have become an influential instrument for informing educational policies. Likewise, they play an ever-increasing role in academic research. The vast information provided by the surveys relates to research topics relevant in various disciplines. We review the impact of the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) on academic research and its representation in English language peer reviewed journals (Lenkeit et al., 2015).
Numbering (Markers)
The numbering or marking of parts of the text is done based on the principle of legibility which makes it easier for the reader to follow the rules and understand the contents of the reading. Writing numbering in the manuscript part of the LATIHAN Journal is only recommended up to the third level in the subtitle in a discussion title/chapter, with the following conditions.
- The first level, for the title of the discussion with the Arabic numeral 1 as a marker.
- The second level, for subtitles with Arabic numerals 1.1.
- The third level, for sub-subheadings marked with Arabic numerals 1.1.1.
On the other hand, writing the detailed number of the contents of the LATIHAN Journal manuscript is written based on the following conditions.
- Details are written aside if they are no longer than five elements and no longer than 120 characters.
- Details are written down if there are more than five elements and arranged sequentially even though the length of each element is not yet two lines long.
- Details written sequentially sideways must use a comma (,) or semicolon (;) between the elements specified. A comma (,) is used to separate single item details, while a semicolon (;) is used to separate details that consist of several elements that use the sign (,) or phrases (groups of words).
- Details arranged in descending order must use a number with the following provisions.
- The first detail uses the Arabic numeral 1);
- The second detail uses the letter a);
- If there are still details, use another bullet mark.
Reference Writing
The bibliography is all sources of reading material or literature that are used as quotations for writing manuscripts. Writing and compiling a manuscript bibliographyNursing Vocational Journal (JVK)using APA Style 7th ruleswhich is managed with the Mendeley reference manager application.