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The aims of this research are to estimate the level of income, and measure the amount of added value obtained from processing beef into meatballs on the business of Al-Hasanah, Rimbo Kedui, South Seluma. Location research and respondents were determined by purposively. The data was collected in the form of primary data, obtained directly from respondents through a questionnaire and interview techniques. The results revealed that during one month processing revenue was Rp. 4.178.194,40 with total receipts amounted Rp.182.700.000,00/month and the total cost reached Rp. 178.521.805,60/month, while the added value obtained for unity input is Rp. 10.052,96/kg with an added value ratio of 8,25% of output produced.


beef meatballs income added value

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How to Cite
Nasaruddin, M., Utama, S. P., & Andani, A. (2015). NILAI TAMBAH PENGOLAHAN DAGING SAPI MENJADI BAKSO PADA USAHA AL-HASANAH DI KELURAHAN RIMBO KEDUI KECAMATAN SELUMA SELATAN. Jurnal AGRISEP: Kajian Masalah Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Dan Agribisnis, 14(1), 85–96.


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