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The community service activity aims to support the roles and responsibilities of a manager and tour guide in serving visitors from various countries by training their skills in the use of foreign languages, particularly English as a universal language, when carrying out tour guide activities by individual members of the public who are responsible for explaining these tourist destinations to foreign guests using English to facilitate interaction and communication. Another goal is to improve skills in tour guide technique in accordance with minimum competency standards in terms of guiding.
The team's community service activities were well-executed and received excellent feedback from participants/tour management members. This program is intended to improve participants' ability and skills in utilizing English in order to guide international tourists who visit the region. According to the amount of people who came, the participants were highly excited. The conversation was also engaging, with the presenter presenting material in a light, easy-to-understand style and the participants responding with numerous questions.
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Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Gerry Suryosukmono, Lizar Alfansi, Praningrum Praningrum, Sularsih Anggarawati, Sri Adji Prabawa

Artikel ini berlisensiCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Surat Keputusan Menteri Pariwisata, Pos, dan Telekomunikasi No:KM/82/PW/102/MPPT-88 ( yang diakses 5 Februari 2023