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most groups of fishermen in the Malabero Village sell processed products along the road, namely dried/salted fish which are of fairly good quality, but product packaging is still very little paid attention to. Most of the products are sold in bulk, although some have gone through sorting and grading processes. To meet the needs of the local/international market, marketing is carried out between districts within the province, or even exports outside the city/province/country. All of these activities are hampered by a lack of understanding about banking, capital, and also financial literacy. Therefore, one of the efforts that can be made in the digital era and towards internationalization is the introduction of financial technology as an alternative to capital that is quite easy and fast. The advantages of financial technology are that it facilitates financial services, with low interest business capital, and overall can improve people's lives. Financial management using financial technology that involves payment transactions, savings, and funding. Activities and transactions within organisations that can support development of financial technology. The inhibiting factors in the implementation of financial technology in an organisation include unpreparedness of infrastructure, technology, and cost.
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- Arner, Douglas W et al. (2016). 150 Years of FinTech: An Evolutionary Analysis.
- JASSA The Finsia Journal of Applied Finance ISSUE 3 2016. Tersedia di
- Hung, J. L., & Luo, B. (2016). FinTech in Taiwan: a case study of a Bank’s strategic planning for an investment in a FinTech company. Financial Innovation, 2(1).
- Iman, N. (2018a). Assessing the dynamics of fintech in Indonesia. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 15(4).
- Lusardi, A & Mitchell O. S. 2011. Financial Literacy Around The World: An Overview. NBER Working Paper Series. National Bereau of Economic Research.
- Santoso, B., & Edwin Zusrony. (2020). Analisis Persepsi Pengguna Aplikasi Payment Berbasis Fintech Menggunakan Technology Acceptance Model (Tam) . JURNAL TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI DAN KOMUNIKASI, 11(1), 49-54.
- The World Bank. (2019). Mobile Cellular Subscriptions. Tersedia di:
- (diakses pada: 13 May 2019).
- Yudhira, A. (2021). Analisis Perkembangan Financial Technology (Fintech) Syariah Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Di Indonesia. VALUE, 1(2), 13-28.
Arner, Douglas W et al. (2016). 150 Years of FinTech: An Evolutionary Analysis.
JASSA The Finsia Journal of Applied Finance ISSUE 3 2016. Tersedia di
Hung, J. L., & Luo, B. (2016). FinTech in Taiwan: a case study of a Bank’s strategic planning for an investment in a FinTech company. Financial Innovation, 2(1).
Iman, N. (2018a). Assessing the dynamics of fintech in Indonesia. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 15(4).
Lusardi, A & Mitchell O. S. 2011. Financial Literacy Around The World: An Overview. NBER Working Paper Series. National Bereau of Economic Research.
Santoso, B., & Edwin Zusrony. (2020). Analisis Persepsi Pengguna Aplikasi Payment Berbasis Fintech Menggunakan Technology Acceptance Model (Tam) . JURNAL TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI DAN KOMUNIKASI, 11(1), 49-54.
The World Bank. (2019). Mobile Cellular Subscriptions. Tersedia di: (diakses pada: 13 May 2019).
Yudhira, A. (2021). Analisis Perkembangan Financial Technology (Fintech) Syariah Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Di Indonesia. VALUE, 1(2), 13-28.