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As a country with a vast  natural forest,  Indonesia has a big potential production of honey.  Honey is nutritious food produced by bees that mostly inhabit in the forest.  Bengkulu is one of such place produced honey.  Honey is considered as healthy supplement by consumer. Therefore, in this research, it has been studied the segmentation of consumers of honey and identification of honey attributes.   This research was conducted in June- July 2015.  There were 96 responsents gathered from eight (8) outlets selling honey products in Kota Bengkulu.  Results showed that the consumers were young adults (67%), women (62%), married (82%), S1 education (56%), Kota Bengkulu domicile (88%) with income range of Rp 2,100,000-5,000,000/month (62%).  While the preference testing of honey products based on taste, aroma, and color had the score around  3.5- 3.7.  This meant that respondents like the honey product.


honey consumer segmentation preference kota Bengkulu

Article Details


  1. Aditya and Nugroho. 2006. Analysis of Satisfaction Level of Plasma Farmers on the Implementation of the Broiler Kampung Chicken Partnership of PT. Sinar Sarana Sentosa Using the Importance Performance Analysis Method . Journals. Faculty of Animal Husbandry. Brawijaya University.
  2. Adriyani, R. 2011. Marketing Strategy and Honey Honey Business Development Based on WEB. Gunadarma University. Jakarta.
  3. Statistisk Central Board, 2013. Bengkulu in Figures. Bengkulu City Central Statistics Agency. Bengkulu
  4. Bappenas. 2002. Honey Bees Cultivation. http: // . Accessed October 9, 2008.
  5. Ministry of Forestry Directorate General of Forestry Planning. 2009. Executive Forestry Strategic Data 2009. Jakarta: Ministry of Forestry Republic of Indonesia.
  6. David, F.R. 2004. Strategic Management Concept- Concept. Translate. PT. Gramedia Group Index. Jakarta.
  7. Dimyati, M. 2012. Structural Models of Product Attributes on Consumer Satisfaction and Pond's Producer Customer Loyalty. Journal of Management 10 ( 1 ): 2-12.
  8. Engel, J.F., et al . 1994a. Consumer behavior. Sixth Edition Volume 1. Budiyanto FX , translator; Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara. Translation from: Consumer Behavior Sixth Edition.
  9. Engel, J.F., et al , 1994b. Consumer behavior. Sixth Edition Volume 2. Budiyanto FX, translator; Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara. Translation from: Consumer Behavior Sixth Edition.
  10. Griffin, J. 2003. Customer Loyalty. Revised and Latest Edition, FE, UNDIP. Semarang.
  11. Hammad, S. 2009. 99 Healthy Recipes with Honey. Solo: Aqwamedika.
  12. Janita and Amonggiri. 2012. Analysis of the Effect of Coca Cola Product Quality on Consumer Loyalty. Business Accounting Journal. Vol 2. No.
  13. Kotler, P., G. Armstrong. 2003. Fundamentals of Marketing . 9th ed content. Volume 1. Sindor A, translator; Jakarta: PT Index. Translation from: Principles of Marketing.
  14. Kotler, P. 2005a. Marketing Management Eleventh Volume 1. Benyamin Molan, translator; Jakarta: PT Gramedia Group Index. Translation from : Marketing Management.
  15. Kotler, P. 2005b. Marketing Management Eleventh Volume 2. Benyamin Molan, translator; Jakarta: PT Gramedia Group Index. Translation from : Marketing Management.
  16. Kotler, P., and K. Kevin. 2006. Marketing Management Volume 1. PT. Macana Jaya Cemerlang.
  17. Kotler, P. 2005. Marketing Management, Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control. Erlangga, Jakarta.
  18. Kotler, P. 2000. Marketing Management. Milineum Edition. Volume 1 & 2. PT. Prehalindo. Jakarta.
  19. Lamandasa, S. 2008. Analysis of the Effect of Product Attributes on Consumer Loyalty of "TjeFuk" Facial Whitening Cream in Yogyakarta. OPTIMAL 5 ( 3 ): 1-10.
  20. Novandra, A. and I. W. Made. 2013. Indonesian Beekeeping Product Market Opportunities . Research Institute. Jakarta.
  21. Nuruni, 2012. Analysis of the Effect of Product Quality and Prices on Sari Frutang Products. Neo-Bis Journal 6 ( 1 ) : 1- 9.
  22. Yati, N. 2006. Research Report: Status and Potential of the National and International Organic Honey Market. Editor: J. Indro Surono. Indonesian Organic Alliance. Bogor. 31pp.
  23. Ocvilia, I. 2005. Analysis of P e rilaku Consumer Implication Honey and Honey Products Development in Bogor. IPB Management and Business Postgraduate Program, Bogor.
  24. National Beekeeping Center, 2008. Honey Bees, How to Farm and Their Utilization. PS Jakarta.
  25. Rosalina, Y., Alnopri, Prasetyo. 2010 . Packaging Design to Increase Added Value of Honey Flower Coffee As A Leading Product In Areas. Agroindustri Jurnal 2 (1): 1-6.
  26. Rangkuti, F 2002. SWOT Analysis of Techniques for Dissecting Business Cases. PT. Gramedia Main Library. Jakarta.
  27. Rangkuti, F 2003. Measuring Customer Satisfaction, PT. Gramedia Main Library. Jakarta
  28. Rully, 2006. The Role of Brand Characteristics , and Characteristics of Customer Relations. Journal of Management 6 (1): 1-8.
  29. Saepudin, R. 2015. Regional-Based Bees. Bengkulu: PT. Media Media.
  30. Saepudin, R. 2013. The analyzes of Sustainability Model Integration Bee with Coffee Plantation (Sinkolema) in the Framework of Improving Production of Honey and Coffee Beans. Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia 8 ( 1 ): 1-14.
  31. Saepudin , R. 2014. The Quality of Honey Circulating in the City of Bengkulu Based on Consumer Assessment and Impartial Test. Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia 9 (1) : 1-10.
  32. Sarwono, B. 2005 . Honey bee. Library Media Agro. Jakarta.
  33. Simomora, B. 2002. Consumer Behavior Research Guide. Gramedia Main Center. Jakarta
  34. Sugiyono, 1998. Research Methods. Gramedia Main Center. Jakarta
  35. Sugiyono, 2006. Statistics for Research, Alpha Beta. Bandung
  36. Sumarwan, B. 2005. Honey Bees. Library Media Agro. Jakarta.
  37. Suranto, A., M. Riza. 2005. Determination of Marketing Strategies Based on Consumer Behavior with the Discrimination Method. Journal Scientific Industrial Engineering 4 (1): 18 – 27.
  38. Surakhmad, W. 1998. Introduction to Scientific Research and Basic Technical Methods. Tarsito Bandung.
  39. Swastha, B. 2002. Azaz-azaz Marketing. Issue 3. Liberty Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta.
  40. Tjiptono, F. 2008. Marketing Strategy. Yogyakarta: Andi Publisher.
  41. Umar, H. 2000 . Marketing Research and Consumer Behavior . Jakarta: PT Gramedia
  42. Main Library.
  43. Winarno, F. G. 2010 . Honey, Technology, Benefits and Analysis. Center for Research and Development of Food Technology, IPB. Bogor.
  44. Widodo, P. 2010. Relationship Between Product Attributes on Purchasing Decisions in Tea Drinks in Packaging. Journal of Agribusiness and Regional Development 2 (1): 1-12.
  45. Aditya and Nugroho. 2006. Analysis of Satisfaction Level of Plasma Farmers on the Implementation of the Broiler Kampung Chicken Partnership of PT. Sinar Sarana Sentosa Using the Importance Performance Analysis Method . Journals. Faculty of Animal Husbandry. Brawijaya University.
  46. Adriyani, R. 2011. Marketing Strategy and Honey Honey Business Development Based on WEB. Gunadarma University. Jakarta.
  47. Statistisk Central Board, 2013. Bengkulu in Figures. Bengkulu City Central Statistics Agency. Bengkulu
  48. Bappenas. 2002. Honey Bees Cultivation. http: // . Accessed October 9, 2008.
  49. Ministry of Forestry Directorate General of Forestry Planning. 2009. Executive Forestry Strategic Data 2009. Jakarta: Ministry of Forestry Republic of Indonesia.
  50. David, F.R. 2004. Strategic Management Concept- Concept. Translate. PT. Gramedia Group Index. Jakarta.
  51. Dimyati, M. 2012. Structural Models of Product Attributes on Consumer Satisfaction and Pond's Producer Customer Loyalty. Journal of Management 10 ( 1 ): 2-12.
  52. Engel, J.F., et al . 1994a. Consumer behavior. Sixth Edition Volume 1. Budiyanto FX , translator; Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara. Translation from: Consumer Behavior Sixth Edition.
  53. Engel, J.F., et al , 1994b. Consumer behavior. Sixth Edition Volume 2. Budiyanto FX, translator; Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara. Translation from: Consumer Behavior Sixth Edition.
  54. Griffin, J. 2003. Customer Loyalty. Revised and Latest Edition, FE, UNDIP. Semarang.
  55. Hammad, S. 2009. 99 Healthy Recipes with Honey. Solo: Aqwamedika.
  56. Janita and Amonggiri. 2012. Analysis of the Effect of Coca Cola Product Quality on Consumer Loyalty. Business Accounting Journal. Vol 2. No.
  57. Kotler, P., G. Armstrong. 2003. Fundamentals of Marketing . 9th ed content. Volume 1. Sindor A, translator; Jakarta: PT Index. Translation from: Principles of Marketing.
  58. Kotler, P. 2005a. Marketing Management Eleventh Volume 1. Benyamin Molan, translator; Jakarta: PT Gramedia Group Index. Translation from : Marketing Management.
  59. Kotler, P. 2005b. Marketing Management Eleventh Volume 2. Benyamin Molan, translator; Jakarta: PT Gramedia Group Index. Translation from : Marketing Management.
  60. Kotler, P., and K. Kevin. 2006. Marketing Management Volume 1. PT. Macana Jaya Cemerlang.
  61. Kotler, P. 2005. Marketing Management, Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control. Erlangga, Jakarta.
  62. Kotler, P. 2000. Marketing Management. Milineum Edition. Volume 1 & 2. PT. Prehalindo. Jakarta.
  63. Lamandasa, S. 2008. Analysis of the Effect of Product Attributes on Consumer Loyalty of "TjeFuk" Facial Whitening Cream in Yogyakarta. OPTIMAL 5 ( 3 ): 1-10.
  64. Novandra, A. and I. W. Made. 2013. Indonesian Beekeeping Product Market Opportunities . Research Institute. Jakarta.
  65. Nuruni, 2012. Analysis of the Effect of Product Quality and Prices on Sari Frutang Products. Neo-Bis Journal 6 ( 1 ) : 1- 9.
  66. Yati, N. 2006. Research Report: Status and Potential of the National and International Organic Honey Market. Editor: J. Indro Surono. Indonesian Organic Alliance. Bogor. 31pp.
  67. Ocvilia, I. 2005. Analysis of P e rilaku Consumer Implication Honey and Honey Products Development in Bogor. IPB Management and Business Postgraduate Program, Bogor.
  68. National Beekeeping Center, 2008. Honey Bees, How to Farm and Their Utilization. PS Jakarta.
  69. Rosalina, Y., Alnopri, Prasetyo. 2010 . Packaging Design to Increase Added Value of Honey Flower Coffee As A Leading Product In Areas. Agroindustri Jurnal 2 (1): 1-6.
  70. Rangkuti, F 2002. SWOT Analysis of Techniques for Dissecting Business Cases. PT. Gramedia Main Library. Jakarta.
  71. Rangkuti, F 2003. Measuring Customer Satisfaction, PT. Gramedia Main Library. Jakarta
  72. Rully, 2006. The Role of Brand Characteristics , and Characteristics of Customer Relations. Journal of Management 6 (1): 1-8.
  73. Saepudin, R. 2015. Regional-Based Bees. Bengkulu: PT. Media Media.
  74. Saepudin, R. 2013. The analyzes of Sustainability Model Integration Bee with Coffee Plantation (Sinkolema) in the Framework of Improving Production of Honey and Coffee Beans. Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia 8 ( 1 ): 1-14.
  75. Saepudin , R. 2014. The Quality of Honey Circulating in the City of Bengkulu Based on Consumer Assessment and Impartial Test. Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia 9 (1) : 1-10.
  76. Sarwono, B. 2005 . Honey bee. Library Media Agro. Jakarta.
  77. Simomora, B. 2002. Consumer Behavior Research Guide. Gramedia Main Center. Jakarta
  78. Sugiyono, 1998. Research Methods. Gramedia Main Center. Jakarta
  79. Sugiyono, 2006. Statistics for Research, Alpha Beta. Bandung
  80. Sumarwan, B. 2005. Honey Bees. Library Media Agro. Jakarta.
  81. Suranto, A., M. Riza. 2005. Determination of Marketing Strategies Based on Consumer Behavior with the Discrimination Method. Journal Scientific Industrial Engineering 4 (1): 18 – 27.
  82. Surakhmad, W. 1998. Introduction to Scientific Research and Basic Technical Methods. Tarsito Bandung.
  83. Swastha, B. 2002. Azaz-azaz Marketing. Issue 3. Liberty Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta.
  84. Tjiptono, F. 2008. Marketing Strategy. Yogyakarta: Andi Publisher.
  85. Umar, H. 2000 . Marketing Research and Consumer Behavior . Jakarta: PT Gramedia
  86. Main Library.
  87. Winarno, F. G. 2010 . Honey, Technology, Benefits and Analysis. Center for Research and Development of Food Technology, IPB. Bogor.
  88. Widodo, P. 2010. Relationship Between Product Attributes on Purchasing Decisions in Tea Drinks in Packaging. Journal of Agribusiness and Regional Development 2 (1): 1-12.
  89. Aditya and Nugroho. 2006. Analysis of Satisfaction Level of Plasma Farmers on the Implementation of the Broiler Kampung Chicken Partnership of PT. Sinar Sarana Sentosa Using the Importance Performance Analysis Method . Journals. Faculty of Animal Husbandry. Brawijaya University.
  90. Adriyani, R. 2011. Marketing Strategy and Honey Honey Business Development Based on WEB. Gunadarma University. Jakarta.
  91. Statistisk Central Board, 2013. Bengkulu in Figures. Bengkulu City Central Statistics Agency. Bengkulu
  92. Bappenas. 2002. Honey Bees Cultivation. http: // . Accessed October 9, 2008.
  93. Ministry of Forestry Directorate General of Forestry Planning. 2009. Executive Forestry Strategic Data 2009. Jakarta: Ministry of Forestry Republic of Indonesia.
  94. David, F.R. 2004. Strategic Management Concept- Concept. Translate. PT. Gramedia Group Index. Jakarta.
  95. Dimyati, M. 2012. Structural Models of Product Attributes on Consumer Satisfaction and Pond's Producer Customer Loyalty. Journal of Management 10 ( 1 ): 2-12.
  96. Engel, J.F., et al . 1994a. Consumer behavior. Sixth Edition Volume 1. Budiyanto FX , translator; Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara. Translation from: Consumer Behavior Sixth Edition.
  97. Engel, J.F., et al , 1994b. Consumer behavior. Sixth Edition Volume 2. Budiyanto FX, translator; Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara. Translation from: Consumer Behavior Sixth Edition.
  98. Griffin, J. 2003. Customer Loyalty. Revised and Latest Edition, FE, UNDIP. Semarang.
  99. Hammad, S. 2009. 99 Healthy Recipes with Honey. Solo: Aqwamedika.
  100. Janita and Amonggiri. 2012. Analysis of the Effect of Coca Cola Product Quality on Consumer Loyalty. Business Accounting Journal. Vol 2. No.
  101. Kotler, P., G. Armstrong. 2003. Fundamentals of Marketing . 9th ed content. Volume 1. Sindor A, translator; Jakarta: PT Index. Translation from: Principles of Marketing.
  102. Kotler, P. 2005a. Marketing Management Eleventh Volume 1. Benyamin Molan, translator; Jakarta: PT Gramedia Group Index. Translation from : Marketing Management.
  103. Kotler, P. 2005b. Marketing Management Eleventh Volume 2. Benyamin Molan, translator; Jakarta: PT Gramedia Group Index. Translation from : Marketing Management.
  104. Kotler, P., and K. Kevin. 2006. Marketing Management Volume 1. PT. Macana Jaya Cemerlang.
  105. Kotler, P. 2005. Marketing Management, Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control. Erlangga, Jakarta.
  106. Kotler, P. 2000. Marketing Management. Milineum Edition. Volume 1 & 2. PT. Prehalindo. Jakarta.
  107. Lamandasa, S. 2008. Analysis of the Effect of Product Attributes on Consumer Loyalty of "TjeFuk" Facial Whitening Cream in Yogyakarta. OPTIMAL 5 ( 3 ): 1-10.
  108. Novandra, A. and I. W. Made. 2013. Indonesian Beekeeping Product Market Opportunities . Research Institute. Jakarta.
  109. Nuruni, 2012. Analysis of the Effect of Product Quality and Prices on Sari Frutang Products. Neo-Bis Journal 6 ( 1 ) : 1- 9.
  110. Yati, N. 2006. Research Report: Status and Potential of the National and International Organic Honey Market. Editor: J. Indro Surono. Indonesian Organic Alliance. Bogor. 31pp.
  111. Ocvilia, I. 2005. Analysis of P e rilaku Consumer Implication Honey and Honey Products Development in Bogor. IPB Management and Business Postgraduate Program, Bogor.
  112. National Beekeeping Center, 2008. Honey Bees, How to Farm and Their Utilization. PS Jakarta.
  113. Rosalina, Y., Alnopri, Prasetyo. 2010 . Packaging Design to Increase Added Value of Honey Flower Coffee As A Leading Product In Areas. Agroindustri Jurnal 2 (1): 1-6.
  114. Rangkuti, F 2002. SWOT Analysis of Techniques for Dissecting Business Cases. PT. Gramedia Main Library. Jakarta.
  115. Rangkuti, F 2003. Measuring Customer Satisfaction, PT. Gramedia Main Library. Jakarta
  116. Rully, 2006. The Role of Brand Characteristics , and Characteristics of Customer Relations. Journal of Management 6 (1): 1-8.
  117. Saepudin, R. 2015. Regional-Based Bees. Bengkulu: PT. Media Media.
  118. Saepudin, R. 2013. The analyzes of Sustainability Model Integration Bee with Coffee Plantation (Sinkolema) in the Framework of Improving Production of Honey and Coffee Beans. Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia 8 ( 1 ): 1-14.
  119. Saepudin , R. 2014. The Quality of Honey Circulating in the City of Bengkulu Based on Consumer Assessment and Impartial Test. Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia 9 (1) : 1-10.
  120. Sarwono, B. 2005 . Honey bee. Library Media Agro. Jakarta.
  121. Simomora, B. 2002. Consumer Behavior Research Guide. Gramedia Main Center. Jakarta
  122. Sugiyono, 1998. Research Methods. Gramedia Main Center. Jakarta
  123. Sugiyono, 2006. Statistics for Research, Alpha Beta. Bandung
  124. Sumarwan, B. 2005. Honey Bees. Library Media Agro. Jakarta.
  125. Suranto, A., M. Riza. 2005. Determination of Marketing Strategies Based on Consumer Behavior with the Discrimination Method. Journal Scientific Industrial Engineering 4 (1): 18 – 27.
  126. Surakhmad, W. 1998. Introduction to Scientific Research and Basic Technical Methods. Tarsito Bandung.
  127. Swastha, B. 2002. Azaz-azaz Marketing. Issue 3. Liberty Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta.
  128. Tjiptono, F. 2008. Marketing Strategy. Yogyakarta: Andi Publisher.
  129. Umar, H. 2000 . Marketing Research and Consumer Behavior . Jakarta: PT Gramedia
  130. Main Library.
  131. Winarno, F. G. 2010 . Honey, Technology, Benefits and Analysis. Center for Research and Development of Food Technology, IPB. Bogor.
  132. Widodo, P. 2010. Relationship Between Product Attributes on Purchasing Decisions in Tea Drinks in Packaging. Journal of Agribusiness and Regional Development 2 (1): 1-12.