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Coffee was one of the diversification products from ground coffee. People prefer instant coffee because it has various advantages compared to ground coffee; namely, the way it is served is easier and does not leave annoying dregs or pulp. This research aimed to analyze the quality of instant coffee produced through several parameters such as pH, TSS, crude fiber, and sucrose content. The crystallization agent that is commonly used is sucrose from sugar. The process occurred when the sucrose concentration in the solution was at a supersaturated level; it would coat compound molecules in the form of crystal nuclei and grow into more significant components. This study used a Randomized Complete Design, which consisted of two factors. The first factor was the concentration of sugar (80, 90, and 100%), and the other was the concentration of ground coffee (15 and 30%). The observation parameters were pH, TSS, sucrose content, and crude fiber. The result of Instant coffee produced by treating different concentrations of sugar and coffee powder has a real influence on several parameters, namely pH, TPT, sucrose, and crude fiber. The addition of sugar and coffee also improves the quality of the instant coffee produced.


robusta coffee instant cofee robusta kristalisasi

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