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This study analyzes the implementation of the revitalization of Traditional Market B Srikaton based on the Regulation of Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia on the assistant task and Guidelines on Construction and Facility Management Trade. This study uses a qualitative method descriptive, with a focus on the implementation of the revitalization of Traditional Market B Srikaton and model of revitalization as the fit in PERMENDAG No. 61 / M-DAG / PER / 8/2015 clause 13, paragraph 1 states that the development / revitalization of local markets as mentioned article 12, paragraph 2 shall be physical revitalization, management, socio-cultural and economic method of data collection in this study using observation, interview and documentation. Informants in the study is the apparatus of government agencies involved in the implementation of the revitalization, traders and buyers gained through observation and documentation. Implementation of the revitalization of traditional market B Srikaton going well. Model revitalization implemented in the revitalization of the market is the physical revitalization run in accordance with the purpose of revitalization such as construction 168 of 772  stall is not functioning. Revitalization management, socio-culture has not been fully achieved. The constraints faced in the implementation of the revitalization of the market is the development and empowerment of merchants have not done, yet the creation of a market environment that is conducive and comfortable. For economic revitalization are not achieved, due to decreased merchant income results after occupying / selling in stall of revitalization.

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Author Biography

Muhammad Akip Safari, Universitas Bengkulu

Magister Public Administration, Faculty of Social Science And Political Science, University of Bengkulu

How to Cite
Safari, M. A. (2020). IMPLEMENTASI REVITALISASI PASAR TRADISIONAL B SRIKATON. Jurnal Governance Dan Administrasi Publik, 4(1), 18–31.


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