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The objectives of this study are: (1) Knowing the performance of the employees of the Subdivision of the Kepahiang Regional Secretariat Representative Session and (2) looking at the factors of gifts and obstacles to the implementation of the duties and functions of the subsections. legislative council. The data analysis method used is descriptive qualitative analysis. Based on the results of the data analysis, the results show that: (1) The performance of the Secretariat of the House of Representatives of the Kepahiang Subdivision on indicators for the draft schedule of legislative activities has been running according to their authority. The Session Subdivision has compiled a schedule of Kepahiang legislative activities in accordance with existing provisions; (2) The official of the Secretariat of the Kepahiang Subdivision of the DPRD's members of the DPRD's activity plan has been properly executed. This indicates that the Subdivision employees tested have a performance in accordance with the provisions; (3) The performance of the Secretariat of the Kepahiang Subdivision People's Representative Council Secretariat is invited, in terms of adequate meetings and meetings of DPRD members. The session subsection has facilitated members of the Kepahiang DPRD in implementation meetings, according to the planned plan; and (4) Sub-Section Session of the Secretariat of DPRD Employees of Kepahiang has prepared documents on the results of meetings and meetings of DPRD members have been carried out in accordance with their authority. This indicates that the employee has performed the Subdivision Trial performance according to the procedure. However, in the Constitutional Court, there were still some incomplete documents, such as the absence of any forwarding or archive of the results of plenary meetings held by DPR members.

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Author Biography

Evi Sulastri, Universitas Bengkulu

Departement Public Administration, Faculty of Social Science And Political Science, University of Bengkulu

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