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This research has purpose to analyze and evaluate the implementation of the public service Board in the general hospital of dr, M Yunus Bengkulu (RMSY). The data that used of this research is primary data. It is obtained through interview. The informants of this research are all employs of the hospitalmanager; heads of the hospital, finance staff, patient care staff thatcan access the hospital service. The purposive sampling technique is used in determining the informant of this research. The informant were selected is the informant who understand and they have experience of the service condition that happened in the general hospital of dr, M Yunus Bengkulu (RMSY). The method of analysis data is qualitative descriptive.

Based on the data analysis, the result showed that: the first, as the outline, RSMY is quite ready and able to do the BLUD. RSMY performance in general showed that there is a good trend. It means that the RSMY has tried to improve their performance. It is suitable with its mandate as the full BLUD. They also have done various efforts to achieve the efficiency and the effectiveness. The second, the status changes become BLUD has affecttoward the condition and the performance of RSMY. The good effect, RSMY tried to improve service performance, force to compete as a healthy, enhance the cooperation with the third parties, the merge of the innovation, and various BSC perspectives cultivated better. The negative effects are the rate increasing; the desire to get the high customer can make the personal less focus on giving a good service to grassroots; there are some governor regulations that are not in line with the RSMY condition as a BLUD;the arrangement of the evaluation report is not the same on the other BLUD hospital, even in the indicator intern level. So, the process of supervising, controlling, analyzing, and improving get difficulties. Third, as BLUD, the problems are faced such as the effectiveness, efficiency and flexibility. All of the problems have constrains. Flexibility is not really done because it is hampered by the regulations that have not been consistent; the long time of the administrative groove is not completely resolved; the customers are mostly from the lower middle class; the hospitality can not fully implemented, strategy evaluation is undertaken by other parts, it is not the same part that do the strategy planning, so the information is less conveyed. The facilities, infrastructure and the quantity of power are still inadequate.

Article Details

Author Biography

Asmara Hadi, Universitas Bengkulu

Magister Public Administration,, Faculty of Social Science And Political Science, University of Bengkulu

How to Cite
Hadi, A. (2020). EVALUASI IMPLEMENTASI BADAN LAYANAN UMUM DI RSUD M YUNUS BENGKULU TAHUN 2014. Jurnal Governance Dan Administrasi Publik, 3(1), 39–48.


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