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There are two studies in this research; policy formulation, and interactions policy actors in the whole process of formulation revolving fund program samisake in the Bengkulu City. The research method is a qualitative through case study approach as well as data analysis method is “flow analysis model”. Result of the research found that people participation in the policy formulation process fairly high, especially in process of pushing acceleration policy issues to be policy agenda by which they audience. Choosing the policy alternatives of block grant is political arena in which many policy actors bargain each other. In the arena, varieties of interests played to coloring the policy, therefore, in the choosing process there are many conflicts as well as bargains between the actors. Then, finally they compromise the alternative of block grant for revolving fund program samisake. In the policy adopting process, they recognized that the revolving fund program samisake. There are complex interactions between the policy actors in the whole process of formulation of revolving fund program samisake showing. They are chiefs of the Government/executive, NGOs, public interest and rulal public, and collage academically. In the interactions, each actors try to influenced the alternative chosen through conflict situation in the determination of revolving fund program samisake in the Bengkulu City.

Article Details

Author Biography

dempo xler, Bengkulu University

Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Bengkulu University

How to Cite
xler, dempo. (2022). FORMULASI PROGRAM DANA BERGULIR SAMISAKE DI KOTA BENGKULU. Jurnal Governance Dan Administrasi Publik, 5(2), 1–11.


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