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This study aims to determine the professionalism of teachers at SMPN 1 Bengkulu City after receiving subsidies for the teaching profession. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Data was collected by observation, interviews and documentation. There were 13 informants. The results showed that all teachers who received subsidies for the teaching profession had made Study Implementation Plans (RPP) and Syllabus, but not all schedules and subjects were implemented in class in accordance with the Study Implementation Plans and Syllabus that had been made. The learning process has been carried out properly and responsibly, although sometimes teachers have to complete other tasks and participate in training activities for professional development. Teachers have made updates and innovations to learning methods by using items or teaching materials that keep up with the times. Learning applications have not used more complete learning media. The application resume is intended as a reflection and follow-up plan from the study application. Resume has been made by the teacher in the teacher's room during the break teaching shift or at home. Evaluation of learning outcomes has been carried out properly and according to the rules. Leading and training students in learning and intracurricular activities that have been carried out to achieve competence and completion of material with remedial and enrichment methods. And extracurricular activities are carried out to motivate students who have certain talents so that they can excel.

Article Details

Author Biography

sri wahyuni, bengkulu university

Magister Public Administration, Faculty of Social Science And Political Science,

University of Bengkulu

How to Cite
wahyuni, sri. (2021). Profesionalisme Guru Penerima Tunjangan Profesi Pendidik Di SMPN 1 Kota Bengkulu. Jurnal Governance Dan Administrasi Publik, 5(2), 26–35.


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