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The conflict on the customary land of Betang Sangkuwu in Tubang Marak
village occured because of the struggle for the ownership of customary land of Betang Sangkuwu located in the middle of the palm oil processing plantation company, namely PT Karya Dewi Putera (PT KDP). The fight for customary land ownership of Betang Sangkuwu occurred between the indigenous people of Tubang Marak village and the comers settling in this village, called penampil.
This study uses a phenomenological study with a qualitative approach, which
examines the phenomenon to be developed. The source of data in this reseach came from primary data, which were collected through direct and in-dept interviews between the researcher and informants (the subject), observations, recordings and field notes. Data analysis techniques used are data reduction, analysis of data, and the conclusion and verification. The results showed that in the process of customary land disputes in Betang Sangkuwu of Tumbang Marak village there were actors who played roles (roles of authority). The conflict occured because of the root triggered by economic values, social values (social rent/social previlages), and rent ricardian (sacred cultural values). The conflict was in the form of latent conflict, namely slandering, suspicion, and threatened each other, as well as manifest conflict in the form of blaming each other. Efforts have been made, namely the mediation and hinting (a customary fine) in Dayak customary. The fight for customary land ownership rights of Betang Sangkuwu
in Tumbang Marak village has not been completed. The penampil community together with KCW personnels would raise the issue to the positive law. Yet, since the indigenous people of Tumbang Marak village were willing to accept the results of the mediation, the relationship between parties involved the conflict in Tumbang Marak village was getting better.
Keywords: Land Dispute, Indigenous Lands, Mediation and Hinting
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