Journal Description

Jurnal Sosiologi Nusantara (JSN) is a scientific journal published by Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Bengkulu. Jurnal Sosiologi Nusantara is registered with ISSN Print (2460-9099) and ISSN Online (2622-9617). This journal accept scientific journal consist of research result and analysis study about civilization, gender, society empowerment and social issue relevant to social studies. JSN publish the articles twice a year, in june and December.

Sociology journal nusantara has been accredited SINTA 4 based on General Director of research reinforcement, development of research, technology and higher education ministry of Republic Indonesia number: 28 /KPT/2019.

Vol. 10 No. 2 (2024)

Published: December 31, 2024

The Relationship between Peer Interaction and Level of Religiosity with Student Achievement Motivation

The Relationship between Peer Interaction and Level of Religiosity with Student Achievement Motivation

216-239 Alfiana Meyla Putri, Nanang Martono, Elis Puspitasari, Agung Kurniawan

Strategy of Traditional traders at Panorama Market Bengkulu City in Facing Challenges of E-Commerce

Strategy of Traditional traders at Panorama Market Bengkulu City in Facing Challenges of E-Commerce

240-255 Putri Nikmah Safas, Linda Safitra, Ayu Wijayanti

Central Role in Social Interaction and Maintenance of Local Culture in the Widal Language Heritage of Sukabumi City

Central Role in Social Interaction and Maintenance of Local Culture in the Widal Language Heritage of Sukabumi City

256-274 Muhamad Guntur Muntaha, Moh.Dulkiah, Chisa Belinda Harahap

Framing Analysis of Gibran’s Posts During Presidential/Vice-Presidential Debate on the Instagram Accounts of and

Framing Analysis of Gibran’s Posts During Presidential/Vice-Presidential Debate on the Instagram Accounts of and


Challenges And Prospects Of Social And Cultural Strengthening In Sustainable Inclusive Development

Challenges And Prospects Of Social And Cultural Strengthening In Sustainable Inclusive Development

296-312 Mufidah Mufis, Reni Anggriani

Conflict in the Management of Ulayat Land in Nagari Sungai Kamuyang

Conflict in the Management of Ulayat Land in Nagari Sungai Kamuyang

313-326 Redni Putri Meldianto, Jendrius, Alfan Miko

Regeneration Crisis Of Weaver Craftsmanships In Troso Village

Regeneration Crisis Of Weaver Craftsmanships In Troso Village

327-340 Saffana Azyu, Atika Wijaya

Women's Criminal Behavior: Case Study of Women’s Convict at the Sungguminasa Gowa Class II A Women's Penitentiary

Women's Criminal Behavior: Case Study of Women’s Convict at the Sungguminasa Gowa Class II A Women's Penitentiary

341-350 Jusnawati, Sunaniah
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