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The goals of this research were to 1) develop an Instagram-based e-module in German grammatical learning as a self-directed learning resource and 2) determine the feasibility of the Instagram-based e-module in German grammatical learning as a self-directed learning resource. This is a research and development using 4-D model (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). There were front-end analysis, student analysis, task analysis, concept analysis, and specification instructional objectives at the define stage. At the design stage, the initial design of e-module was made. At the develop stage, the expert validators provide assessments of the e-module followed by product testing and providing responses by German teacher and learners. In the last stage, the Instagram-based e- module in German grammatical learning as a self-directed learning resource was disseminated. The assesments obtained were 83% in the "very good" category from material validation, 92% in the "very good" category from media validation, 78% in the "good" category from German teacher response, and 87% in the "very good" category from learner responses. The average percentage generated was 85% so that the Instagram-based e-module in German grammatical learning got the "very good" category and is feasible to be used as a self-directed learning resource.


e-module Instagram self-directed learning

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