Call for Research Articles
Posted on 2021-09-30Call for articles for Volume 8, No. 2, September 2023 (Submission deadline: 31 Juni 2023)
Jurnal Enggano
Jurnal Enggano p-ISSN: 2615-5958 and e-ISSN: 2527-5186 is the official scientific journal published by Badan Penerbitan Fakultas Pertanian (BPFP), Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Bengkulu (Publishing House of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bengkulu).
Jurnal Enggano is published twice a year, in April and September, and contains a mixture of academic articles and reviews on various aspects of marine science and fisheries.
Jurnal Enggano publishes original articles, review articles, case studies and short communications in collaboration with the Association of Indonesian Agricultural Journals (Asosiasi Jurnal Pertanian Indonesia - AJPI).
Articles in the journal may be downloaded, reproduced and redistributed as long as the author and source are properly cited.
Call for articles for Volume 8, No. 2, September 2023 (Submission deadline: 31 Juni 2023)