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The purpose of this study was to analyze the anthropometric and biomotor profiles of water skiers and wakeboard athletes in DKI Jakarta Province. The descriptive method uses a quantitative research type approach. The population and sample in this study were water skiers and wakeboard athletes as many as 25 male athletes. Data collection techniques used tests and measurements: (i) weight scales to measure body weight. bodyweight is measured using measuring body weight with a unit of kilograms; (ii) physical condition test; bend using the sit and reach test; core stability, namely athletes perform with 12 levels with perfect attitude, level 1 to level 12 where levels 1 and 12 for 30 seconds, level 2 to level 10 for 15 seconds, sit-ups and push-ups test athletes perform tests for 1 minute, limb explosive power did a standing long jump test, and endurance did a Multi-Stage Fitness Test (MFT). Data analysis uses quantitative descriptive analysis techniques, overall data analysis uses Microsoft Excel 2019. The results of this study can be concluded: anthropometry and physical condition are one of the important factors in determining athlete achievement, without exception for the DKI Jakarta Water Ski and Wakeboard Athletes.


Anthropometry Biomotor Water Ski Wakeboard

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How to Cite
Maslikah, U., Ali, M., Safadilla, E., Nugroho, H., & Sudarmanto, E. (2021). Anthropometric And Biomotor Profile Analysis Of Water Ski And Wakeboard Athletes Of Dki Jakarta Province. Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani, 5(3), 562–570.


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