Google Classroom sebagai Media Pembelajaran pada Mata Kuliah Teks Bahasa Indonesia
This study aims to describe the use of Google Classroom in learning Indonesian language text courses by students of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, Department of Language and Literature, Makassar State University. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative. The data of this research are the results of questionnaires in the form of answers from students. The data sources of this research were students of class A, B, and C class 2019, Indonesian language text courses, Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, Department of Language and Literature, Makassar State University. The data analysis was carried out in three stages, namely the data reduction stage, the data presentation stage, conclusion, and the data verification stage. The results of this study consist of two, namely (1) the advantages of Google Classroom in learning Indonesian language text courses consisting of (a) easy access to learning materials, (b) easy access to learning absences and (c) easy access to learning evaluation; (2) the lack of Google Classroom in learning Indonesian language text courses consists of (1) difficulties in conducting virtual discussions, and (2) difficulties in editing test results.References
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