Journal Description

TERRA is a scientific journal that publishes research results related to resource issues and agricultural productivity widely, soil science, plant science, forest science and social economic study for land restoration, 

The editor receives a manuscript in English complete with abstracts and is typed in a word processing program that is compatible with Microsoft Word. The manuscript must be original and has never been published or in the publishing process in any media. The author is responsible for the contents of the manuscript published in this journal. The feasibility of publishing a script is determined by the editorial board after obtaining a recommendation from the best partner appointed by the editorial board.

Vol. 7 No. 2 (2024)

Published: December 23, 2024

Potential Land Suitability for Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) Cultivation in Topos District, Lebong Regency

53-65 Dio Afrizal Kuswara, Kanang Setyo Hindarto, Kartika Utami, Muhammad Faiz Barchia, Heru Widiyono

Improvement of Selected Soil Physical Properties and Mustard Yield After the Application of Tithonia Compost in Ultisols

66-71 Ririn Apriliani, Bambang Sulistyo, Zainal Muktamar

The Effect of Azolla Compost and Inorganic Nitrogen Fertilizer on the Growth and Yield of Cucumber

72-78 Ari Zulkurnia, Widodo, Fahrurrozi, Alnopri, Elsa Lolita Putri, Bambang Gonggo Murcitro

Response of Growth and Yield of Soybean to Urea Application Frequency and Coffee Husk Compost Dosage in Coastal Land

79-91 Selamat Sirateman, Hesti Pujiwati, Widodo, Herry Gusmara, Sigit Sudjatmiko, Wuri Prameswari

Land Utilization Efficiency of Corn and Black Soybean Intercropping System on Ultisoll with Various Doses of Cow Dung Fertilizer and Weeding Frequency

92-102 Sukma Dwi Nur Anisha, Edhi Turmudi, Mohammad Chozin

Adaptation Test of Rice Varieties (Oryza sativa L. Var. Inpari) With Various Doses of NPK Fertilizer in Rice Field

103-109 Andre Setiyawan, Sri Devi Octavia, Yekti Maryati, Sri Widata, Djoko Heru Pamungkas, Alfassabiq Khairi

Groundwater Retention Based on Toposequence in People’s Oil Palm Plantations

110-115 Wanda Afrilia Utami, Bandi Hermawan, Priyono Prawito, Muhammad Faiz Barchia, Sukisno, Elsa Lolita Putri
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