University Leadership Management For Developing University Students’ Entrepreneurship
Leadership teachers serve a crucial role in developing university student entrepreneurship competency. Referring to the concept of Entrepreneurial Based University, leaders can create effective entrepreneurship development programs in the frame of spiritual religious. This research aims to determine, understand and analyze the management of university teachers in West Sumatra province in developing student entrepreneurship. This study uses a qualitative approach with a type of study conducted at the State University of Padang (UNP), West Sumatra Province, Indonesia. Results of the study show that the leadership plays a role in the development of student entrepreneurship through the implementation of effective management functions, namely (1) planning, in the form of strategic policies in formulation of statute, strategic plans, determination of priority programs for developing campus, business units, and entrepreneurship programs; (2) organizing, in the form of official tasks, restructuring management; (3) Leading; manifested in the concept of VALUE (View, Appreciate, Leading, Understand and Evaluate) with spiritual religious frame-muslimprenur; (4) Controlling, carried out both in the form of program implementation and responsibility of the budget in developing student entrepreneurship.References
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