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Several studies have recorded the increasing number of teachers who left the profession in the first year of teaching in recent years. The main cause is the difficulties over the first year of teaching and the unsatisfactory construction and growth of professional identity. This qualitative study attempted to reveal the struggles faced during their first year of teaching by EFL novice teachers working in Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia and how they coped with those struggles regarding their development of professional identity. The struggles are split into internal and external struggles based on the result. The internal struggles are linked to how teachers controlled their emotions self-efficacy, and ability to teach, their jobs and their personal opinions. The external challenges related to the management of the classroom, the abilities, and attitudes of the students, the lack of resources and facilities in the school, the relationships with their colleagues and their salaries. This research is intended to provide more insight into the realities of teachers working in an underdeveloped province like East Nusa Tenggara, in particular how they establish their professional identity in a lack of facilities and learning resources.
Keywords: East Nusa Tenggara; Novice Teachers; Professional Identity; Struggles and Strategies
Article Details
- Abednia, A. (2012). Teachers’ professional identity: Contributions of a critical EFL teacher education course in Iran. Teaching and teacher education, 28(5), 706-717.
- Afdal, H. W., & Nerland, M. (2014). Does teacher education matter? An analysis of relations to knowledge among Norwegian and finish novice teachers. Scandinavian journal of educational research, 58(3), 281-299.
- Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological review, 84(2), 191–215.
- Beijaard, D., Meijer, P., & Verloop, N. (2004). Reconsidering research on teachers’ professional identity. Teaching and teacher education, 20, 107–128.
- Bruinsma, M., & Jansen, E. P. W. A. (2010). Is the motivation to become a teacher related to pre-service teachers’ intentions to remain in the profession?. European journal of teacher education, 33(2), 185–200.
- Canrinus, E. T., Helms-Lorenz, M., Beijaard, D., Buitink, J., & Hofman, A. (2012). Self-efficacy, job satisfaction, motivation, and commitment: exploring the relationships between indicators of teachers' professional identity. European journal of psychology of education, 27(1), 115-132.
- Caspersen, J., & Raaen, F. D. (2017). theory and practice Novice teachers and how they cope. Teachers and teaching, 6(2), 0.
- Day, C. (2018). Professional identity matters: agency, emotions, and resilience. Research on teacher identity (pp. 61-70). Springer, Cham.
- Djawa, P. (2017, December 7). Rendahnya Kualitas Pendidikan di NTT. Apa Sebab? & Salah Siapa? Retrieved May 23, 2019, from
- Fitriati, S. W. (2018). Case Study into Questioning Skills of Pre-Service English Language Teachers at PPG Program. UNNES-TEFLIN National Seminar, 2(1), 404-415.
- Hamman, D., Gosselin, K. Romano, J., & Bunuan, R. (2010). Using possible-selves theory to understand the identity development of new teachers. Teaching and teacher education, 26, 1349–1361.
- He, Y., & Cooper, J. (2011). Struggles and strategies in teaching: voices of five novice secondary teachers. Teacher education quarterly, 38(2), 97-116. Retrieved from
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- Kelchtermans, G. (2009). Who I am in how I teach is the message: Self-understanding, vulnerability, and reflection. Teachers and teaching, 15, 257–272.
- Kelchtermans, G. (2011). Professional responsibility: Persistent commitment, perpetual vulnerability? In C. Sugrue & T. D. Solbrekke (Eds.), Professional responsibility: New horizons of praxis (pp. 113–126). London: Routledge.
- Izadinia, M. (2018). Mentor Teachers. Contributions to the development of preservice teachers’ identity. Research on teacher identity (pp. 109-119). Springer, Cham.
- Lamote, C., & Engels, N. (2010). The development of student teachers’ professional identity. European journal of teacher education, 33(1), 3-18.
- Lee, J. C. K., & Yin, H. B. (2011). Teachers’ emotions and professional identity in curriculum reform: A Chinese perspective. Journal of educational change, 12(1), 25-46.
- Lee, L. Y. K., & Holroyd, E. (2009). Evaluating the effect of childbirth education class: A mixed-method study. International nursing review, 56(3), 361–368.
- Meijer, P.C. & Oosterheert, I.E. (2017). Challenging student teachers’ professional identities through immersion in ‘teaching for creativity’. Symposium paper presented at AERA 2017, San Antonio, USA
- Meristo, M., & Eisenschmidt, E. (2014). Novice teachers’ perceptions of school climate and self-efficacy. International journal of educational research, 67, 1–10. doi:10.1016/j.ijer.2014.04.003.
- Pennington, M. C., & Richards, J. C. (2016). Teacher identity in language teaching: integrating personal, contextual, and professional factors. RELC journal, 47(1), 5–23.
- Pyhältö, K., Pietarinen, J., & Salmela-Aro, K. (2011). Teacher–working-environment fit as a framework for burnout experienced by Finnish teachers. Teaching and teacher education, 27(7), 1101–1110.
- Richardson P.W., Watt H.G. (2018). Teacher professional identity, and career motivation: a lifespan perspective. In: Schutz P., Hong J., Cross Francis D. (eds). Research on teacher identity. Springer, Cham.
- Roth, G. (2014). Antecedents and outcomes of teachers’ autonomous motivation: a self- determination theory analysis. In P. W. Richardson, S. A. Karabenick, & H. M. G. Watt (Eds.), teacher motivation: theory and practice (pp. 36–51). New York: Routledge.
- Ruohotie-Lyhty, M. (2013). Struggling for a professional identity: two newly qualified language teachers’ identity narratives during the first years at works. Teaching & teacher education, 30,120e12.
- Ruohotie-Lyhty, M., & Moate, J. (2016). Who and how?: Preservice teachers as active agents developing professional identities. Teaching and teacher education, 55, 318–327.
- Senom, F., Zakaria, A. R., & Ahmad Shah, S. S. (2013). Novice teachers’ challenges and survival: Where do Malaysian ESL teachers stand?. American journal of educational research, 1(4), 119-125.
- Schatz-Oppenheimer, O., & Dvir, N. (2014). From ugly duckling to the swan: stories of novice teachers. Teaching and teacher education, 37, 140e149
- Schutz, P. A., Nichols, S. L., & Schwenke, S. (2018). Critical events, emotional episodes, and Elsattributions in the development of teacher identities. Research on teacher identity (pp. 49-60). Springer, Cham.
- Shagrir, L. (2010). Professional development of novice teacher educators: Professional self, interpersonal relations and teaching skills. Professional development in education, 36(1–2), 45–60.
- Van Veen, K., & Sleegers, P. (2009). Teachers’ emotions in a context of reforms: to a deeper understanding of teachers and reforms. In P. A. Schutz & M. Zembylas (Eds.), Advances in teacher emotion research: The impact on teachers’ lives (pp. 233–251). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Spring
- Veenman, S. (1984). Perceived problems of beginning teachers. Review of educational research, 54(2), 143–178
- Yuwono, G. I., & Harbon, L. (2010). English teacher professionalism and professional development: Some common issues in Indonesia. Asian EFL journal, 12(3), 145-163.
- Zembylas, M., & Chubbuck, S. (2015). The intersection of identity, beliefs, and politics to conceptualizing ‘teacher identity. In H. Fives & M. Gill (Eds.), International handbook of research on teachers’ beliefs (pp. 173–190). New York.
Abednia, A. (2012). Teachers’ professional identity: Contributions of a critical EFL teacher education course in Iran. Teaching and teacher education, 28(5), 706-717.
Afdal, H. W., & Nerland, M. (2014). Does teacher education matter? An analysis of relations to knowledge among Norwegian and finish novice teachers. Scandinavian journal of educational research, 58(3), 281-299.
Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological review, 84(2), 191–215.
Beijaard, D., Meijer, P., & Verloop, N. (2004). Reconsidering research on teachers’ professional identity. Teaching and teacher education, 20, 107–128.
Bruinsma, M., & Jansen, E. P. W. A. (2010). Is the motivation to become a teacher related to pre-service teachers’ intentions to remain in the profession?. European journal of teacher education, 33(2), 185–200.
Canrinus, E. T., Helms-Lorenz, M., Beijaard, D., Buitink, J., & Hofman, A. (2012). Self-efficacy, job satisfaction, motivation, and commitment: exploring the relationships between indicators of teachers' professional identity. European journal of psychology of education, 27(1), 115-132.
Caspersen, J., & Raaen, F. D. (2017). theory and practice Novice teachers and how they cope. Teachers and teaching, 6(2), 0.
Day, C. (2018). Professional identity matters: agency, emotions, and resilience. Research on teacher identity (pp. 61-70). Springer, Cham.
Djawa, P. (2017, December 7). Rendahnya Kualitas Pendidikan di NTT. Apa Sebab? & Salah Siapa? Retrieved May 23, 2019, from
Fitriati, S. W. (2018). Case Study into Questioning Skills of Pre-Service English Language Teachers at PPG Program. UNNES-TEFLIN National Seminar, 2(1), 404-415.
Hamman, D., Gosselin, K. Romano, J., & Bunuan, R. (2010). Using possible-selves theory to understand the identity development of new teachers. Teaching and teacher education, 26, 1349–1361.
He, Y., & Cooper, J. (2011). Struggles and strategies in teaching: voices of five novice secondary teachers. Teacher education quarterly, 38(2), 97-116. Retrieved from
Hong, J. Y. (2010). Pre-service and beginning teachers’ professional identity and its relation to dropping out of the profession. Teaching and teacher education, 26(8), 1530–1543. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2010.06.003.
Kelchtermans, G. (2009). Who I am in how I teach is the message: Self-understanding, vulnerability, and reflection. Teachers and teaching, 15, 257–272.
Kelchtermans, G. (2011). Professional responsibility: Persistent commitment, perpetual vulnerability? In C. Sugrue & T. D. Solbrekke (Eds.), Professional responsibility: New horizons of praxis (pp. 113–126). London: Routledge.
Izadinia, M. (2018). Mentor Teachers. Contributions to the development of preservice teachers’ identity. Research on teacher identity (pp. 109-119). Springer, Cham.
Lamote, C., & Engels, N. (2010). The development of student teachers’ professional identity. European journal of teacher education, 33(1), 3-18.
Lee, J. C. K., & Yin, H. B. (2011). Teachers’ emotions and professional identity in curriculum reform: A Chinese perspective. Journal of educational change, 12(1), 25-46.
Lee, L. Y. K., & Holroyd, E. (2009). Evaluating the effect of childbirth education class: A mixed-method study. International nursing review, 56(3), 361–368.
Meijer, P.C. & Oosterheert, I.E. (2017). Challenging student teachers’ professional identities through immersion in ‘teaching for creativity’. Symposium paper presented at AERA 2017, San Antonio, USA
Meristo, M., & Eisenschmidt, E. (2014). Novice teachers’ perceptions of school climate and self-efficacy. International journal of educational research, 67, 1–10. doi:10.1016/j.ijer.2014.04.003.
Pennington, M. C., & Richards, J. C. (2016). Teacher identity in language teaching: integrating personal, contextual, and professional factors. RELC journal, 47(1), 5–23.
Pyhältö, K., Pietarinen, J., & Salmela-Aro, K. (2011). Teacher–working-environment fit as a framework for burnout experienced by Finnish teachers. Teaching and teacher education, 27(7), 1101–1110.
Richardson P.W., Watt H.G. (2018). Teacher professional identity, and career motivation: a lifespan perspective. In: Schutz P., Hong J., Cross Francis D. (eds). Research on teacher identity. Springer, Cham.
Roth, G. (2014). Antecedents and outcomes of teachers’ autonomous motivation: a self- determination theory analysis. In P. W. Richardson, S. A. Karabenick, & H. M. G. Watt (Eds.), teacher motivation: theory and practice (pp. 36–51). New York: Routledge.
Ruohotie-Lyhty, M. (2013). Struggling for a professional identity: two newly qualified language teachers’ identity narratives during the first years at works. Teaching & teacher education, 30,120e12.
Ruohotie-Lyhty, M., & Moate, J. (2016). Who and how?: Preservice teachers as active agents developing professional identities. Teaching and teacher education, 55, 318–327.
Senom, F., Zakaria, A. R., & Ahmad Shah, S. S. (2013). Novice teachers’ challenges and survival: Where do Malaysian ESL teachers stand?. American journal of educational research, 1(4), 119-125.
Schatz-Oppenheimer, O., & Dvir, N. (2014). From ugly duckling to the swan: stories of novice teachers. Teaching and teacher education, 37, 140e149
Schutz, P. A., Nichols, S. L., & Schwenke, S. (2018). Critical events, emotional episodes, and Elsattributions in the development of teacher identities. Research on teacher identity (pp. 49-60). Springer, Cham.
Shagrir, L. (2010). Professional development of novice teacher educators: Professional self, interpersonal relations and teaching skills. Professional development in education, 36(1–2), 45–60.
Van Veen, K., & Sleegers, P. (2009). Teachers’ emotions in a context of reforms: to a deeper understanding of teachers and reforms. In P. A. Schutz & M. Zembylas (Eds.), Advances in teacher emotion research: The impact on teachers’ lives (pp. 233–251). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Spring
Veenman, S. (1984). Perceived problems of beginning teachers. Review of educational research, 54(2), 143–178
Yuwono, G. I., & Harbon, L. (2010). English teacher professionalism and professional development: Some common issues in Indonesia. Asian EFL journal, 12(3), 145-163.
Zembylas, M., & Chubbuck, S. (2015). The intersection of identity, beliefs, and politics to conceptualizing ‘teacher identity. In H. Fives & M. Gill (Eds.), International handbook of research on teachers’ beliefs (pp. 173–190). New York.