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This research aims at finding out students' perceptions on online learning of speaking for discussion course at the English Education Study Program Universitas Bengkulu. This research was descriptive quantitative. The population of this research was the fourth-semester students of the English Education Study Program of Universitas bengkulu in the 2020/2021 academic year. The sample of this research was used total sampling method, totaling 115 students. The data were collected by using 25 items of the questionnaire which were divided into 3 parts, namely Perceptions of Usefulness (PU), Perceptions of Easy Use and Challenge Faced (PEUC), and Instructor/lecturer Characteristic (IC). This research used simple statistical to analized the data. The result of this study showed that students’ positive perception of online learning of speaking for discussion course was 63% which is much higher than negative perception which was only 37%. It means that online learning is good to use during the pandemic situation even though it still has aweaknesses that online learning does not really help them to improve their speaking skill.
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Ahmadi, D. M. R.(2018). The use of technology in english language learning: A literature review. International Journal of Research in English Education.
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Casarotti, M., Filliponi, L., Pieti, L. & Sartori, R.(2002). Educational interaction in distance learning: Analysis of one-way video and two-way audio system. PsychNology Journal, 1(1), 28 – 38.
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Nunan, David.(1991). Language Teaching Methodology: a textbook for teachers. London: Prentice-Hall International Ltd.
Davis, F.(1986). A technology acceptance model for empirically testing new end-user Information Systems: Theory and Result. In Doctoral dissertation Sloan School of Management MIT.
Ekmekçi, E.(2015). Distance-education in foreign language teaching: Evaluations from the Perspectives of Freshman Students. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Elliot, A. J., & Harackiewicz, J. M.(1996). Approach and avoidance achievement goals and intrinsic motivation: A mediational analysis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70(3), 461–475.
Fitriani, Y., Murti B., & Mohtana K.(2020). Students’ perspective of online learning on speaking class during Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Language and Literature, 7(1).
Kusumawardhani, H., Syafrizal, and Kurniawan, I,.(2019). The effect of reinforcement toward students’ speaking ability (an experiment at the tenth grade students of SMAN 7 Bengkulu Academic Year 2018/2019). Journal of English Education and Teaching, 3(3).
Leathers, G., D.(1992). Successful nonverbal communication: principles and applications. Macmillan: Cornell University
Moore, M. G., & Anderson, W. G.(2003). handbook of distance education. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Mustomi, Dede.(2018). Persepsi tentang karakteristik dosen terhadap motivasi belajar mahasiswa. Journal sekretari dan manajemen 2(1).
Nunan, David.(1991). Language teaching methodology: a Textbook for Teachers. London: Prentice-Hall International Ltd.
Raden. A., A. Basari, V. W. Suryaningtyas, & S. P. Cahyono.(2020). "University students' perception of online learning in covid-19 pandemic: a case study in a translation course," 2020 international seminar on application for technology of information and communication (semantic). Semarang, Indonesia, 2020, pp. 225-231.
Rahman, Kasyfur.(2020). Learning Amid Crisis: Efl Students’ Perception On Online Learning During Covid-19 Outbreak. ETERNAL, 6(2).
Sugiyono.(2013). Metode penelitian pendidikan pendekatan kuantitatif, kualitatif, dan R&D (educational research methods quantitative, qualitative and R&D). Bandung: Alfabeta
Walgito, B.(2003). Psikologi Sosial (social Psychology). Yogyakarta: Andi Yogyakarta
Zhong, Y.(2008). A study of autonomy english learning on the internet. Journal of English Language Teaching.