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Referring to Lambung Mangkurat University's (ULM) policy to become the center of Asia-Pacific wetland development in 2027, one of the efforts made is to improve the ability of ULM students, especially in English language skills related to wetlands. In this regard, this research was conducted to develop online English-based materials on Wetlands. This research aims to meet the needs of ULM students and assist ULM lecturers in teaching courses related to wetlands. The development method used in the study was adapted from Dick and Carey (2001), which includes (1) needs analysis, (2) material development, (3) validation and revision. The results showed that the online-based English for Wetlands material that was developed met the criteria of validity, practicality, and effectiveness. With the development of this material, it is hoped that lecturers and students can carry out independent learning related to wetlands.
Article Details
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- Dick, W., Carey, L., & Carey, J. O. (2001). The systematic design of instruction. Longman.
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- Hidayati, T., (2016) Integrating ICT in English Language Teaching and Learning in Indonesia, Journal of English Education and Linguistics Studies, 3(1), 38-62
- Jafari Pazoki, S., & Alemi, M. (2020). Engineering Students' Motivation to Learn Technical English in ESP Courses: Investigating Iranian Teachers' and Students' Perceptions. RELC Journal, 51(2),1-15
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- Yang, Y-F. (2015). Self-directed learning to develop autonomy in an online ESP community. Interactive Learning Environments, 24(7), 1–18.
- Zhao, Y. (1997). The effects of listeners' control of speech rate on second language comprehension. Applied Linguistics, 18, 49–68.
Albatch, G.. P., Reisberg, L., and Rumbley, L.. E. (2009). Trends in Global Higher Education: Tracking an Academic Revolution a Report Prepared for UNESCO 2009 World Conference on Higher Education. (Online), (
Borg, W.R, Gall, M.D., & Gall, J.P. (2007). Educational Research (7th Edition). Longman.
Budiarta, L. G. R (2021) Developing HOTS-Based Students' Worksheet for the Fifth-Grade of Elementary School, Journal of English Education and Teaching, 5(4), 468-488,
Cunningsworth, A. (1995). Choosing your coursebook. Macmillan Publisher Limited.
Dick, W., Carey, L., & Carey, J. O. (2001). The systematic design of instruction. Longman.
Dudley-Evans, T., & St John, M. (1998). Developments in ESP: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Cambridge University Press.
Faraj, A. K. A. (2015). Scaffolding EFL students' writing through the writing process approach. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(13), 131 -141.
Gluchmanova, M. (2015). Application of Blended Learning in English Courses at the Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies. SGEM: Ecology, Economics, Education and Legislation, 821-827.
Hidayat, F. & Krismanti, N., (2021), Questioning Strategies and Students' Preferences (Between Reality and Expectation), Journal Basis, 8(1), 117-126
Hidayati, T., (2016) Integrating ICT in English Language Teaching and Learning in Indonesia, Journal of English Education and Linguistics Studies, 3(1), 38-62
Jafari Pazoki, S., & Alemi, M. (2020). Engineering Students' Motivation to Learn Technical English in ESP Courses: Investigating Iranian Teachers' and Students' Perceptions. RELC Journal, 51(2),1-15
O’Bryan, A., & Hegelheimer, V. (2007). Integrating CALL into the classroom: The role of podcasting in an ESL listening strategies course. ReCALL Journal, 19(2), 162–180.
Oksana, A. (2015). Scaffolding learning: developing materials to
support the learning of science and language by non-native English-speaking students, Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 10(2), 75-89
Pitura, J. (2021). Developing L2 speaking skills in English medium EFL higher education, Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 1-26
Regional Bureau for Education: Asia and the Pacific Regional Bureau for Education (2004). Integrating ICT into Education: lessons learned.
Riduwan. (2012). Skala pengukuran variabel-variabel penelitian. Bandung: Alfabeta.
Serin, O. (2011). The Effects of the Computer-Based Instruction on the Achievement and Problem Solving Skills of the Science and Technology Students. (Online),
Trisyanti, U. (2009). Developing materials for ESP (English for Specific Purposes) class. Jurnal Sosial Humaniora (Jsh), 2(1), 66-77.
Yang, Y-F. (2015). Self-directed learning to develop autonomy in an online ESP community. Interactive Learning Environments, 24(7), 1–18.
Zhao, Y. (1997). The effects of listeners' control of speech rate on second language comprehension. Applied Linguistics, 18, 49–68.