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Although the study of students’ anxiety in learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Indonesia has been conducted before, little attention is paid to whether gender or English level contributes more to the anxiety in learning. EFL students, particularly in Indonesia, find difficulty in learning the language because it has different rules from their own language. There is no such thing as gender-based personal pronouns or tenses in their verbs. It doesn’t have the plural form which is equivalent to adding “s” in English. In Bahasa Indonesia, how you spell it is how you pronounce it. While the spelling in English does not correspond with its pronunciation. 242 Grade 10 students, male and female in three different English levels (Levels 1,2, and 3) were included in the study. This study aims at researching the students’ anxiety level in terms of communication apprehension, fear of negative evaluation, and test-taking. Fear of negative evaluation shows the highest cause of students’ anxiety followed by test-taking and communication apprehension. Students in English Level 1 and 2 show a significant relationship to the level of anxiety, while students in Level 3 have no relationship between anxiety and that level. Gender has shown some significance but it is very weak. Between gender and English level, it shows that gender, though has weaker significance, contributes more to the anxiety compared to the English level. Further explication of each issue is discussed.
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Abrar, M., Mukminin, A., Habibi, A., Makmur, M., Marzulina, L., & Asyrafi, F. (2018, January). (PDF) “If our English isn’t a language, what is it?” Indonesian EFL Student Teachers’ Challenges Speaking English. ResearchGate.'t_a_language_what_is_it_Indonesian_EFL_Student_Teachers'_Challenges_Speaking_English
Ahmad, D. N. (2018). Test anxiety: gender and academic achievements of university students. 32(3).
Anxiety. (n.d.). Https://Www.Apa.Org. Retrieved June 15, 2022, from
Azzam, R. (2012). Psychological Factors That Hinder Students from Speaking in English Class (A Case Study in a Senior High School in South. Journal Education and Practice, 3(12).
Carter, S. J., & Henrichsen, L. E. (2015). Addressing Reticence: The Challenge of Engaging Reluctant Adult ESL Students. Journal of Adult Education, 44(2), 15–20.
Gerencheal, B. (2016). Gender Differences in Foreign Language Anxiety at an Ethiopian University: Mizan-Tepi University Third Year English Major Students in Focus. African Journal of Education and Practice, 1(1), 1–16.
Horwitz, E. K., Horwitz, M. B., & Cope, J. (1986). Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety. The Modern Language Journal, 70(2), 125–132.
Hu, L., & Wang, N. (2014). Anxiety in Foreign Language Learning. 122–124.
Jiménez, G. (2015). Three Communication Difficulties of EFL Students. Revista de Lenguas Modernas.
Landström, P. (2015). Foreign language anxiety among Chinese senior middle school students: A case study.
Landström, P. (2017). Foreign language anxiety among Swedish lower and upper secondary school students: A case study.
Lane, J. (2021, June 2). The 10 Most Spoken Languages In The World. Babbel Magazine.
Language in Indonesia. (n.d.). Just Landed. Retrieved June 15, 2022, from
Mukminin, A., Masbirorotni, M., Noprival, N., Sutarno, S., Arif, N., & Maimunah, M. (2015). EFL Speaking Anxiety among Senior High School Students and Policy Recommendations. Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn), 9(3), 217–225.
Nurhaeni, N. (2019). Students’ Anxiety in Language Learning: EDUVELOP, 2(2), 81–86.
Pavlenko, A. (2016, August 31). Foreign Language Learning Is Like Dating: It Spurs Anxiety. Pyschology Today.
Pratiwi, M. P. (2018). Attributions on Students’ Speaking Fluency Problems in An EFL Speaking Classroom [Thesis, Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FBS-UKSW].
Rasman. (2017, January 9). Monolingual bias and English language education in Indonesia. The Jakarta Post.
Richards, O. (2018, May 17). Foreign Language Anxiety—What It Is And 6 Easy Steps To Overcome It. StoryLearning.
Saranraj, L., & Meenakshi, K. (2016). The Influence of Anxiety in Second Language Learning: A Case Study with Reference to Engineering Students in Tamil Nadu, India. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9.
Says, J. S. (2020, September 11). Why Is English So Hard to Learn? Oxford Royale Academy.
Soim, C. (2014). A study of foreign language anxiety of male and female elementary school students in learning english [skripsi, universitas negeri yogyakarta].
Subekti, A. S. (2018). An exploration of learners foreign language anxiety in the indonesian university context: learnersand teachers voices. TEFLIN Journal, 29(2), 219–244.
Tercan, G., & Di?ki?li?ta?, K. (2016). EFL students’ speaking anxiety: A case from tertiary level students. ELT Research Journal, 4(1), 16–27.
Tran, T., Moni, K., & Lee, J. (2015). Management of foreign language anxiety: Insiders’ awareness and experiences. Cogent Education, 2, 992593.
Tzoannopoulou, M. (2016). Foreign language anxiety and fear of negative evaluation in the Greek university classroom. Selected Papers on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 21(0), 823–838.
Wienanda, W. K., & Widiati, U. (2018). Students’ Gender, Anxiety, And Speaking Performance In The Indonesian EFL Context. Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 23(1), Article 1.
Yahya, M. (2013). Measuring speaking anxiety among speech communication course students at the Arab American University Of Jenin (AAUJ. Retrieved June 15, 2022, from