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This study attempted to find out (1) the most dominant personality of students at English Diploma III Study Program, (2) the most dominant grammar learning strategies applied by Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholic and Phlegmatic students at English Diploma III Study Program. Descriptive quantitative design was used in the study. In this study, the researcher used two questionnaires as the instrument. The instrument in the research was questionnaire. The first questionnaire adapted from Yusup (2013) to identify the students personality. The second one, the researcher used SILL version 7.0 adapted from Bayou’s research (2015) to know the use of grammar learning strategies at English Diploma III students.The result of present study shown that the most dominant personality was phlegmatic types. Then finding also  indicate that, Sanguine students preferred to use the social strategy. Followed by the Choleric students preferred to use the memory strategy. The Melancholic students  as well as the Phlegmatic students, these two types preferred to use the metacognitive strategy as their strategy when they learnt Grammar.


Grammar Learning Strategy Personality Type.

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  1. Bakker,S. (2011). “Personality Styles and Language Learning Strategies of Chinese and Dutch Learners”. University of Groningen.
  2. Bayou, Y (2015). Grammar Learning Strategies Use Of Grade 11 Students At Medhanealem Preparatory School: Gender In Focus. Addis Ababa University.
  3. Chain, S. (2012). Quiet: the power of introvert in a world that cann’t stop talking. New York: Crown Publisher.
  4. Debata, P. (2013). The Importance of Grammar in English Language Teaching- A Reassessment. Retrieved at: Language in India 13(5), 482-486.
  5. Ellis, R. (2008). The study of second language acqusition. (2nd Ed), oxford: Oxford University Press
  6. Ehrman, M. & Oxford, R. (1988). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adult language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 72, 253 – 265
  7. Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1990). Adult language learning styles and strategies in an intense training setting. Modern Language Journal, 74, 311 -327.
  8. Littaure , F. (1997). Personality Plus, Michigan: Fleming H, Revell.
  9. Liyanage, I. J. B. (2004). An exploration of language leraning strategies and learner variable of srilanka learners of english as a second language with special reference to their personality, Griffith University. Australia.
  10. Moody, R. (1998). Personality preference and foreign language learning. Modern Language Journal, 72, 389- 401.v
  11. Nikoopour, J. and Farsani, M. A (2010). “On The Relationship between Language Learning Strategies and Personality Types among Iranian EFL Learners”. Journal, 1(1), 81-101.
  12. Oxford, R, L. (1990). Language Learning Strategies: What Every Teacher Should Know. New York: Newbury House Publisher.
  13. Oxford. R. L., Rang, L. K. and Park, G. (2007). L2 grammar strategies: The Second Cinderella and Beyond.
  14. Pawlak, M. (2009). Grammar Learning Strategies and Language Atteinment: Seeking a Relationship. Research in language, 7, 43-60
  15. Rubin, J. (1975). What the ‘Good Language Learner’ can teach us. TESOL Quarterly
  16. Sarjono dan Julianita. (2013). SPSS vs LISREL: Sebuah Penegantar, Aplikasi untuk Riset, Cetakan Kedua, Salemba Empat, Jakarta
  17. Sharp, A. (2008). Personality and second language learning. Asian Social Science, 4(11), 1-15.
  18. Sugiyono (2016). Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta.
  19. Wakamoto, N. (2000). Language learning strategy and personality variables: Focusing on extroversion and introversion. International Review of Applied Linguistics, 38 (1), 71-81.
  20. Yusuf, M (2013). A Comparative Analysis on Sanguine and Phlegmatic Students Concerning Their English Speaking Skill (A Comparative Study At The Second Year Student Of SMP Wijayakusuma. Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta
  21. Bakker,S. (2011). “Personality Styles and Language Learning Strategies of Chinese and Dutch Learners”. University of Groningen.
  22. Bayou, Y (2015). Grammar Learning Strategies Use Of Grade 11 Students At Medhanealem Preparatory School: Gender In Focus. Addis Ababa University.
  23. Chain, S. (2012). Quiet: the power of introvert in a world that cann’t stop talking. New York: Crown Publisher.
  24. Debata, P. (2013). The Importance of Grammar in English Language Teaching- A Reassessment. Retrieved at: Language in India 13(5), 482-486.
  25. Ellis, R. (2008). The study of second language acqusition. (2nd Ed), oxford: Oxford University Press
  26. Ehrman, M. & Oxford, R. (1988). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adult language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 72, 253 – 265
  27. Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1990). Adult language learning styles and strategies in an intense training setting. Modern Language Journal, 74, 311 -327.
  28. Littaure , F. (1997). Personality Plus, Michigan: Fleming H, Revell.
  29. Liyanage, I. J. B. (2004). An exploration of language leraning strategies and learner variable of srilanka learners of english as a second language with special reference to their personality, Griffith University. Australia.
  30. Moody, R. (1998). Personality preference and foreign language learning. Modern Language Journal, 72, 389- 401.v
  31. Nikoopour, J. and Farsani, M. A (2010). “On The Relationship between Language Learning Strategies and Personality Types among Iranian EFL Learners”. Journal, 1(1), 81-101.
  32. Oxford, R, L. (1990). Language Learning Strategies: What Every Teacher Should Know. New York: Newbury House Publisher.
  33. Oxford. R. L., Rang, L. K. and Park, G. (2007). L2 grammar strategies: The Second Cinderella and Beyond.
  34. Pawlak, M. (2009). Grammar Learning Strategies and Language Atteinment: Seeking a Relationship. Research in language, 7, 43-60
  35. Rubin, J. (1975). What the ‘Good Language Learner’ can teach us. TESOL Quarterly
  36. Sarjono dan Julianita. (2013). SPSS vs LISREL: Sebuah Penegantar, Aplikasi untuk Riset, Cetakan Kedua, Salemba Empat, Jakarta
  37. Sharp, A. (2008). Personality and second language learning. Asian Social Science, 4(11), 1-15.
  38. Sugiyono (2016). Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta.
  39. Wakamoto, N. (2000). Language learning strategy and personality variables: Focusing on extroversion and introversion. International Review of Applied Linguistics, 38 (1), 71-81.
  40. Yusuf, M (2013). A Comparative Analysis on Sanguine and Phlegmatic Students Concerning Their English Speaking Skill (A Comparative Study At The Second Year Student Of SMP Wijayakusuma. Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta
  41. Bakker,S. (2011). “Personality Styles and Language Learning Strategies of Chinese and Dutch Learners”. University of Groningen.
  42. Bayou, Y (2015). Grammar Learning Strategies Use Of Grade 11 Students At Medhanealem Preparatory School: Gender In Focus. Addis Ababa University.
  43. Chain, S. (2012). Quiet: the power of introvert in a world that cann’t stop talking. New York: Crown Publisher.
  44. Debata, P. (2013). The Importance of Grammar in English Language Teaching- A Reassessment. Retrieved at: Language in India 13(5), 482-486.
  45. Ellis, R. (2008). The study of second language acqusition. (2nd Ed), oxford: Oxford University Press
  46. Ehrman, M. & Oxford, R. (1988). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adult language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 72, 253 – 265
  47. Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1990). Adult language learning styles and strategies in an intense training setting. Modern Language Journal, 74, 311 -327.
  48. Littaure , F. (1997). Personality Plus, Michigan: Fleming H, Revell.
  49. Liyanage, I. J. B. (2004). An exploration of language leraning strategies and learner variable of srilanka learners of english as a second language with special reference to their personality, Griffith University. Australia.
  50. Moody, R. (1998). Personality preference and foreign language learning. Modern Language Journal, 72, 389- 401.v
  51. Nikoopour, J. and Farsani, M. A (2010). “On The Relationship between Language Learning Strategies and Personality Types among Iranian EFL Learners”. Journal, 1(1), 81-101.
  52. Oxford, R, L. (1990). Language Learning Strategies: What Every Teacher Should Know. New York: Newbury House Publisher.
  53. Oxford. R. L., Rang, L. K. and Park, G. (2007). L2 grammar strategies: The Second Cinderella and Beyond.
  54. Pawlak, M. (2009). Grammar Learning Strategies and Language Atteinment: Seeking a Relationship. Research in language, 7, 43-60
  55. Rubin, J. (1975). What the ‘Good Language Learner’ can teach us. TESOL Quarterly
  56. Sarjono dan Julianita. (2013). SPSS vs LISREL: Sebuah Penegantar, Aplikasi untuk Riset, Cetakan Kedua, Salemba Empat, Jakarta
  57. Sharp, A. (2008). Personality and second language learning. Asian Social Science, 4(11), 1-15.
  58. Sugiyono (2016). Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta.
  59. Wakamoto, N. (2000). Language learning strategy and personality variables: Focusing on extroversion and introversion. International Review of Applied Linguistics, 38 (1), 71-81.
  60. Yusuf, M (2013). A Comparative Analysis on Sanguine and Phlegmatic Students Concerning Their English Speaking Skill (A Comparative Study At The Second Year Student Of SMP Wijayakusuma. Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta
  61. Bakker,S. (2011). “Personality Styles and Language Learning Strategies of Chinese and Dutch Learners”. University of Groningen.
  62. Bayou, Y (2015). Grammar Learning Strategies Use Of Grade 11 Students At Medhanealem Preparatory School: Gender In Focus. Addis Ababa University.
  63. Chain, S. (2012). Quiet: the power of introvert in a world that cann’t stop talking. New York: Crown Publisher.
  64. Debata, P. (2013). The Importance of Grammar in English Language Teaching- A Reassessment. Retrieved at: Language in India 13(5), 482-486.
  65. Ellis, R. (2008). The study of second language acqusition. (2nd Ed), oxford: Oxford University Press
  66. Ehrman, M. & Oxford, R. (1988). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adult language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 72, 253 – 265
  67. Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1990). Adult language learning styles and strategies in an intense training setting. Modern Language Journal, 74, 311 -327.
  68. Littaure , F. (1997). Personality Plus, Michigan: Fleming H, Revell.
  69. Liyanage, I. J. B. (2004). An exploration of language leraning strategies and learner variable of srilanka learners of english as a second language with special reference to their personality, Griffith University. Australia.
  70. Moody, R. (1998). Personality preference and foreign language learning. Modern Language Journal, 72, 389- 401.v
  71. Nikoopour, J. and Farsani, M. A (2010). “On The Relationship between Language Learning Strategies and Personality Types among Iranian EFL Learners”. Journal, 1(1), 81-101.
  72. Oxford, R, L. (1990). Language Learning Strategies: What Every Teacher Should Know. New York: Newbury House Publisher.
  73. Oxford. R. L., Rang, L. K. and Park, G. (2007). L2 grammar strategies: The Second Cinderella and Beyond.
  74. Pawlak, M. (2009). Grammar Learning Strategies and Language Atteinment: Seeking a Relationship. Research in language, 7, 43-60
  75. Rubin, J. (1975). What the ‘Good Language Learner’ can teach us. TESOL Quarterly
  76. Sarjono dan Julianita. (2013). SPSS vs LISREL: Sebuah Penegantar, Aplikasi untuk Riset, Cetakan Kedua, Salemba Empat, Jakarta
  77. Sharp, A. (2008). Personality and second language learning. Asian Social Science, 4(11), 1-15.
  78. Sugiyono (2016). Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta.
  79. Wakamoto, N. (2000). Language learning strategy and personality variables: Focusing on extroversion and introversion. International Review of Applied Linguistics, 38 (1), 71-81.
  80. Yusuf, M (2013). A Comparative Analysis on Sanguine and Phlegmatic Students Concerning Their English Speaking Skill (A Comparative Study At The Second Year Student Of SMP Wijayakusuma. Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta