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Collaboration becomes a supporting component of professional learning. Teachers’ experiences become the determining factor of the attainment a professional learning program. This study is aimed at exploring  the experiences of teachers of two schools with different qualification by answering the following questions: (1) How are the programs of collaborative professional learning enacted to enhance the teachers’ teaching strategy and digital literacy?, (2) How do the teachers’ experiences in their collaborative professional learning impact on their policy of professional learning? This study is a qualitative case study. In order to answer its questions, this study involved 8 language teachers –Arabic, English, Indonesian, and Javanese language- from 2 schools. Teachers from a reputable school were paired up with those from an undistinguished school to engage in a collaborative professional learning program focusing on teaching strategy and digital literacy. Data analysis involved content analysis convention of Krippendorff (2013). The program is a need-based program, which is put in different social context and built to make each participant familiar, collaborate to learn, to practice, and to implement. Putting the program into different social context facilitates participants to learn through attention, retention, reproduction, which then influences their policy of professional learning.


collaborative, experiences, professional learning, social

Article Details

Author Biographies

Nuna Mustikawati Dewi, UIN Walisongo

Nuna Mustikawati Dewi is a lecturer of English at Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo, Indonesia. Her
research interest falls within the area of professional development, and methodology in English
language teaching and learning.

Semi Sukarni, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo

Semi Sukarni is a lecturer of English at Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Indonesia. Her
research interest falls within the area of English language teaching and learning and teacher professional development.

How to Cite
Tarwiyah, S., Nuna Mustikawati Dewi, & Semi Sukarni. (2024). Learning to Collaborate through Collaborative Professional Learning: An Exploration of Social Learning Experiences. Journal of English Education and Teaching, 8(2), 337–354.


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