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In addressing the problem of poverty, the media also has a very important role. In
addition, with media, especially the internet, we can find out information about the
weather and the sea and fishing information globally accessible. Further explained that
the resources of this example is FIGIS (fisheries global information system) that provides a
range of statistical information such as fisheries, fish distribution maps by species, issue
and topic of the actual fisheries, aquaculture, marine fisheries, and fishing technology. The
data is available anytime and anywhere needed. Based on the background is exactly the
service activities based on this urgent research to be conducted. The activity goal is to
provide knowledge for women and families of fishermen on the media, especially the
Internet and equip the women and families of fishermen to learn new media like the
internet. The target audience of the utilization of the internet is for girls and coastal fishing
families who live in the city of Bengkulu Malabero coastal areas totaling 10 people who
have a product that can be sold in the market. The activities are lectures, discussions and
simulations use the internet with the ultimate goal the establishment of a blog that can be
used to sell their products.

Keywords: Internet, women, economics, blogs, information

Article Details

How to Cite
Adeni, S., Herman, S., & Supriyadi, D. (2017). PEREMPUAN DAN INTERNET DALAM PENINGKATAN EKONOMI KELUARGA. Dharma Raflesia : Jurnal Ilmiah Pengembangan Dan Penerapan IPTEKS, 12(1).


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