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A movie is a type of literary work to entertain and convey a value or message to the viewer. The movie strives to communicate moral values, which are considered positive attitudes that could be adopted by everyone. This study aims to identify and analyze the moral values contained in the one-piece anime movies "Z" and "Stampede”. This study uses a grounded theory approach to the descriptive-qualitative method and analyze the moral values in the movies by using Sulistiyani’s moral theories. This study focuses on analyzing two anime films from the One Piece series, namely Z and Stampede. This research findings shows that numerous morals can drive and teach us as viewers. The morals found in the movies are courage, self-sacrifice, honesty, justice, wisdom, respect and appreciation, hard work, fulfilling promises, supporting others, and working together. Unfortunately, belief in God's values is not found in these movies since the themes of these movies are action, adventure, and, most significantly, friendship. Moreover, the moral values mostly delivered in these movies are helping others. Finally, the researcher suggests that the viewers not only derive enjoyment from the movie's plot but also apply its moral values to enhance their own character to become better individuals.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Nofrian, Ira Maisarah

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Anggara, I. G. A. S., Santosa, H., & Udayana, A. G. B. (2019). Character Education and Moral Value in 2d Animation Film Entitled" Pendeta Bangau". Capture: Jurnal Seni Media Rekam, 10(2), 57-70.
Bélanger, J. J., Schumpe, B. M., Menon, B., Ng, J., Nociti, N., Zeigler-Hill, V., & Shackelford, T. K. (2018). Self-sacrifice for a cause: a review and an integrative model. V. Zeigler-Hill & TK Shackelford, The sage handbook of personality and individual differences, 465-485.
Fajar, S. (2017). Moral values analysis in the rainbow troops novel written by andrea hirata (Doctoral dissertation, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh).
Furqon, M. T. (2013). Nilai Pendidikan Dalam Komik One Piece Jilid 1-23 Karya Eiichiro Oda (Sebuah Tinjauan Sosiologi Sastra). Suluk Indo, 2(3), 123-144. Retrieved from
Inayyah, F. N., & Simanjuntak, M. B. (2022). Analysis Of The Moral Value In The Novel" Imperfect" Written By Meira Anastasia. Literacy: International Scientific Journals of Social, Education, Humanities, 1(1), 26-31.
Karo-Karo, A. M., & Muhammad Kiki Wardana. (2022). An Analysis Of Moral And Social Values In “Raya And The Last Dragon” Movie. Jurnal Scientia, 11(01), 327-331. Retrieved from
Lase, F., & Halawa, N. (2022). Mendidik Peserta Didik Dengan Nilai Nilai Karakter Cerdas Jujur. Educativo: Jurnal Pendidikan, 1(1), 190-206.
Lickona, T. (2004). Character matters: How to help our children develop good judgment, integrity, and other essential virtues. Simon and Schuster.
Merenda, R. C., & White-Williams, S. (2002). Classroom idea-sparkers. Childhood Education, 78(4), 224-G.
Mustari, M., & Rahman, M. T. (2011). Nilai karakter: Refleksi untuk pendidikan karakter.
Mutawakkil, M. H. (2014). Keadilan Islam dalam persoalan gender. Kalimah: Jurnal Studi Agama dan Pemikiran Islam, 12(1), 67-90.
Pardede, N. L., Herman, H., & Silalahi, D. E. (2021). An Analysis of Adjacency Pairs on Conversation in Black Panther Movie. Prasasti: Journal of Linguistics, 6(2), 198-214.
Rescher, N. (2018). Fairness: Theory & practice of distributive justice. Routledge.
Sahrani, R. (2019). Faktor-faktor karakteristik kebijaksanaan menurut remaja. Jurnal Psikologi Sosial, 17(1), 36-45.
Septyawanti, F. E., Elmustian, E., & Rumadi, H. (2021). Nilai Moral Pada Film Nanti Kita Cerita Tentang Hari Ini Karya Angga Dwimas Sasongko. Jurnal Ilmu Budaya, 18(1), 1-19.
Shchiller, P., & Bryant, T. (16). Moral Dasar Bagi Anak (di Indonesiakan Susi Sensusi). Jakarta: PT Alexedia Komputiondo Kelompok Gramedia.
Sulayani, N., Sitohang, L., Simbolon, L. O., & Tarigan, M. S. B. (2022). Moral Value and Character Education Found in Movie Miracle in Cell No 7. Edukatif: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 4(1), 162-169.
Sulistyorini, & Anggraeni, D. (2011). Aspek Biologis. Rineka Cipta.
Thomas, J. B. (2012). Drawing on Tradition: Manga, Anime, and Religion in Contemporary Japan. University of Hawaii Press.
Ulfah, A. Strengthening Respect Character of Primary School Students Through Traditional Game" Jaranan". Cakrawala Dini: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 9(1), 8-12.
Zamzami, M. I., Krenata, N. A. C., & Rohmana, W. I. M. (2023). The Use of Poetry in English Learning for Islamic Junior High School Students. JELITA, 4(1), 1-8.
Zubaidillah, M. H. (2018). Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Adversity Quotient pada Cerita Nabi Musa dalam Alquran. Al Qalam: Jurnal ilmiah keagamaan dan kemasyarakatan.