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The objective of the study is to find out the students’ perception toward English online assessment by using Exambro application. This research used descriptive quantitative methods. The data was collected by using a questionnaire from the eighth-grade students in one of favourite school. The questionnaire was adopted by the Shraim theory. It consists of six aspects, namely reliability, validity, pedagogy, security, practicality, and affective factors. This study involved 96 students who were separated into three classes. The SPSS program of computer was used in analysing the data from questionnaire. The data were analysed in quantitative way. The findings are the students have positive responses to all the aspects of perceptions toward online assessment. The highest mean is in security aspect. The mean is 4,13. Then the mean of validity (4,03), the reliability (3,80), the practicality (3,77), the pedagogy (3,50), the affective factors (3,30). From 18 statements in questionnaire, 17 statements got positive perception, while one perception which is about online assessment can reduce the stress and anxiety got the negative perception. The researcher suggests the next research to explore the parents’ perception toward online assessment by using Exambro application.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Marzon Efendi, Syafryadin

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Abd Elgalil, H. M., Abd El -Hakam, F. E. Z., Farrag, I. M., Abdelmohsen, S. R., & Elkolaly, H. (2023). Undergraduate students’ perceptions of online assessment during COVID -19 pandemic at faculty of medicine for girls, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 60(2).
Afacan Adanır, G., İsmailova, R., Omuraliev, A., Muhametjanova, G., & Adanır, K. (2020). Learners’ perceptions of online exams: a comparative study in Turkey and Kyrgyzstan. In International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (Vol. 21).
Al Hashimi, S., Alamarat, Y., & Zaki, Y. (2022). Students’ perceptions of online assessment, feedback practices, and challenges. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 11(4), 1939–1949.
Chikmah, Lailatul. (2016). Students’ perception on Proprofs Online Computer – Based Assessment Software as assessment tool at English Education Department [Unpublish master’s thesis]. Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya.
Conrad, D., & Openo, J. (2018). Assessment strategies for online learning: engagement and authenticity. Athabasca University Press.
Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
Dermo, J. (2009). E-assessment and the student learning experience: A survey of student perceptions of eassessment. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40 (2), 203-214. Retrieved from ce_A_survey_of_student_perceptions_of_e-assessment
Heil, J., & Ifenthaler, D. (2023). Online Assessment in Higher Education: A Systematic Review. In Online Learning Journal (Vol. 27, Issue 1, pp. 187–218). The Online Learning Consortium.
Hussain, E. T., Daoud, S., Alrabaiah, H., & Owais, A. K. (2020, November 28). students’ perception of online assessment during the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of undergraduate students in the UAE. Proceedings -2020 21st International Arab Conference on Information Technology, ACIT 2020.
Ilgaz, H., & Adanır, G. A. (2020). Providing online exams for online learners: Does it really matter for them?. Education and Information Technologies, 25(2), 1255-1269. doi: 10.1007/s10639- 019-10020-6
Iqbal, S. A., Ashiq, M., Rehman, S. U., Rashid, S., & Tayyab, N. (2022). Students’ perceptions and experiences of online education in Pakistani Universities and Higher Education Institutes during COVID-19. Education Sciences, 12(3).
Iskandar, N., Ganesan, N., Nur, &, Eleena, S., & Maulana, A. (2021). Students’ perception towards the usage of online assessment in University Putra Malaysia Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic. In Quest Journals Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science (Vol. 9, Issue 2).
Khan, S., & Khan, R. A. (2019). Online assessments: Exploring perspectives of university students. Education and Information Technologies, 24(1), 661–677.
Kundu, A., & Bej, T. (2021). Experiencing e-assessment during COVID-19: an analysis of Indian students’ perception. Higher Education Evaluation and Development, 15(2), 114–134.
Rahmatilla, F. (n.d.). Students’ Perception of online English exams during the Covid-19 pandemic At SMKF Ikasari Pekanbaru.
Pascu, M., Petculescu, D. C., & Stupariu, I. P. (2023). Investigating students’ perception of online assessment as a result of the interaction among the extrinsic assessment factors on students psychological characteristics. Education Sciences, 13(2).
Putra, E. Y., & Pamungkas, S. (2020). Implementasi pelaksanaan ujian semester berbasis android dalam mata pelajaran Sejarah di SMA Negeri 3 Kota Jambi. Istoria: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Batanghari, 4(1), 32-41.
Shraim, K. (n.d.). Online examination practices in Higher Education Institutions: Learners’ perspectives.
Vita Ardhani, O., & Yudha Pratista, G. (2023). Students’ perception of the use of Google Forms in English subject (vol. 6, issue 2).
Weleschuk, P. Dyjur, P. Kelly, Online assessment in higher education, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning Guide Series. Calgary, AB: Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning at the University of Calgary, 2019. Retrieved from
Whitcomb, C. E. (2022). Immediate feedback makes exams a positive learning experience. HortScience, 19(6).