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The research was aimed to investigate whether clustering technique can affect students’ writing ability. The research was conducted at the first year students of Senior High School number 8 Bengkulu. In conducting the research, the researcher applied a quasi experiment method with MIA 2 and MIA 1 as the sample. MIA 2 as an experimental group that consist of 24 students was taught by using clustering technique and MIA 1 as a control group that consist of 26. They were taught by conventional technique. Both of the groups were given pre-test at the beginning, the post test at the end of the treatment. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula. From the culculation, the reseacher found that t-count was 2.07 and t-table was 2.01. For T-count of organization was 2.56, t-count of content was 3.62 and t-count of coherent was 3.47. Since t-count was higher that t-table, it means H1 was accepted. So, it can be concluded that clustering technique affects students’ writing ability. In spesific, clustering technique improved students’ content, organization, and coherent text.


Writing Clustering Technique

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How to Cite
., S., Puspita, H., & ., Z. (2018). THE EFFECT OF CLUSTERING TECHNIQUE ON STUDENTS’ WRITING ABILITY. Journal of English Education and Teaching, 2(2), 83–92.


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