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This Experimental Research was conducted to find out whether reinforcement can improve the students’ speaking ability or not. The population of the research was the tenth grade students of SMAN 7 Bengkulu. The simple random sampling of the research was taken X MIPA 1 as the Experimental Group. The collection data used pre-test and post-test to see the changes of the students’ speaking score. T-test used to see the significant difference between both tests. The treatment is given to the students a set of praises as feedback in every students oral response. After doing 6 times of treatment on Experimental Group, the result indicates that reinforcement affected students speaking ability significantly. It was found that -Tcount was -18,351and  -Ttable was -2,060. It means that -Ttable score was greater than -Tcount. It could be concluded that the experiment was successful because of reinforcement can improve the students’ speaking ability.

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How to Cite
Kusumawardhani, H., S, S., & Kurniawan, I. (2019). The Effect of Reinforcement toward Students’ Speaking Ability. Journal of English Education and Teaching, 3(3), 299–310.