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Blood group is not only as a complement of identity card, but also is required in
emergency, such as in accident where people need blood transfusion. Additionally, blood
group is important to know due to the fact that there are some genetic disorders caused by
blood type. Golden age of a kid is under two years old. However, stunting at a kid under
five years old can cause many growth disorders, including cognitive and motor growth.
Therefore, nutrition intake in food is important to be concerned in order to optimize the
kid’s growth. Baitul Izzah was one of Integrated Islamic (IT) kindergartens in Bengkulu
City. This school had three A Classes, one Pre-School Class (PAUD), and nine B Classes
in which each of them consisted of twenty five pupils and two teachers. The objective of
this dedication is to know the pupils’ nutritional status at the school so that parents can
know their kid’s growth. Besides, this dedication aims to give counseling about how to
wash hands correctly in which we know that washing hands before eating or after doing
activities will decrease the risk of communicable diseases like wormy disease and
influenza. This activity was accomplished on August 16, 2014. It was followed by two
classes at Kindergarten B which consisted of 46 pupils and accompanied by the class
teacher. Based on IMT (Body Mass Index), it was found that there were 18 pupils with
normal nutritional status, 19 pupils were obesity, 2 pupils were underweight and 7 pupils
were overweight. From the blood group checkup, it was found that all of the pupils had
rhesus + with various blood groups. Furthermore, the counseling about how to wash
hands correctly and good foods was accomplished. From the counseling, it was found that
the pupils of the kindergarten were very enthusiastic. Following the counseling, direct
practice about washing hands correctly was also conducted as well as giving nutritional
food like mung bean porridge and milk, and souvenirs to the school at the end.
Keywords: Nutritional Status, Blood Type, Washing Hands Correctly, Kindergarten

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How to Cite
PY, M. E., Pranatawati, I., & Yunita, S. (2017). PENYULUHAN DAN PELAYANAN KESEHATAN PADA TK IT BAITUL IZZAH, KOTAMADYA BENGKULU, PROVINSI BENGKULU. Dharma Raflesia : Jurnal Ilmiah Pengembangan Dan Penerapan IPTEKS, 12(2).


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