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English teachers in all levels of education in Indonesia try hard to make their students able to speak and write English. Teachers sometimes  use code-mixing in their  classroom  instructions. This study is conducted to investigate Code – Mixing in English Classes of SMPN 14 Kota Bengkulu: Views From the Teachers. The participants were the English teachers who teach English at SMPN 14 Kota Bengkulu. The data were collected  from  audio-recording and interviewing to the teachers. The results indicated that teachers used  inter-sentential code-mixing  more frequently than intra-sentential code-mixing. It also found  that all of the teachers used code-mixing in pre-activity, while activity and post-activity of teaching and learning process in their English classes. They also used code-mixing for  giving instruction, translation and asking for clarification.   The English-Indonesian pattern is the most frequently used by the teachers in teaching English. The teachers used code-mixing in teaching English in the English classes to make the students able to understand the purpose of teaching and learning process easily.

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How to Cite
Ramadhaniarti, T., Arsyad, S., & Arono, A. (2018). CODE – MIXING IN ENGLISH CLASSES OF SMPN 14 KOTA BENGKULU: VIEWS FROM THE TEACHERS. JOALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literature), 2(1), 22–33.


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