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 The phenomenon behind this research is in line with the wishes of the public who expect public services to run more effectively because the most important task of government agencies is the service giver, but effectiveness is also very important and needed in supporting services. And one of the government agencies in providing its services is the Office of Investment and Integrated One Door Service of Bengkulu Province, a service provided using an online system called Electronic Licensing Service System (SIPANSE). This is the benchmark of this discussion and research. The purpose of this research is to find out the effectiveness of licensing services conducted online provided by the Office of Investment and Integrated One Door Service of Bengkulu Province by using Indrajit theory in his book entitled "Electronic Goverment: Strategies for Development and Development of Technology-Based Public Service Systems". This research uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach through interview, observation and documentation technique. Based on the results of research on the Effectiveness of Electronic Licensing Services (SIPANSE) in the Office of Investment and Integrated Services one door of Bengkulu Province, it can be concluded that the system can be said to be effective but there are still many things that need to be improved so that the services provided can be more effective. This is based on the results of the interview using 5 aspects and indicators of success. The first aspect is the Service Procedure, the result of which is obtained that the procedure carried out is easy to understand and also the DPMPTSP of Bengkulu Province routinely conducts training to the users of SIPANSE application. The second aspect is service time, the result obtained is in the time needed to take care of licensing so faster because the user can fill out the registration through the website that has been provided. However, the system still often experiences glitches which causes time to fill it up to have to wait for the system to be repaired. The third aspect is the Service Fee, the result of which is obtained to obtain a license issued by DPMPTSP of Bengkulu Province from the initial process to the issuer of documents (permits) is not charged a service fee. The fourth aspect is Facilities and Infrastructure, the results obtained by DPMPTSP Bengkulu Province as the organizer has been in accordance with the procedure because of the computer that can be used by the user to fill out the form directly at the office and also there is a training room for the use of SIPANSE. The last is the Competency Aspect of Service Officer, in this sense obtained is the lack of competent officers who are in accordance with the background of education in the field of IT. Because there are many problems that need to be fixed, researchers say licensing services are effective enough but there are things that need to be fixed to make licensing services much more effective. 


Effectiveness Licensing Service Public Service SIPANSE.

Article Details

Author Biographies

Siska Yuliana, Bengkulu of university

Jurusan administrasi publik Fisipol Unib

Kahar Hakim, Universitas Bengkulu

Jurusan Administrasi Publik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Jatmiko Yogopriyatno, Universitas Bengkulu

Jurusan Administrasi Publik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
How to Cite
Yuliana, S., Hakim, K., & Yogopriyatno, J. (2022). GOVERNANCE LEVERAGE DEVELOPMENT AGILE ADAPTIVE TOURISM VILLAGE DESIGN IN KEMUMU  . Jurnal Governance Dan Administrasi Publik, 6(2), 65–70.


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