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Effective speed reading has a very important role, because with the fast reading and reading comprehension ability of qualified person could master of science and technology. Indonesian reading habits unfavorable impact negatively on the level of legibility of a person or a student. To overcome this much needed effort and creativity of teachers. Klos in the application of the method of learning to read is one way to solve the problem. The research objective of this class action is to increase the Effective Speed Reading (KEM) using klos class XI IPA 2 SMA Negeri 6 South Bengkulu This classroom action research takes place in SMA Negeri 6 South Bengkulu class XI IPA 2, the number of students 40 students. Implementation of the activities carried out through three cycles. Before the first cycle carried out the need for pre-action is the identification of methods klos and Effective Speed Reading (KEM), and then executed the first cycle as the application of methods klos, the second cycle as in implementation klos method, and the third cycle as the consolidation phase. Data were analyzed using qualitative analysis that is used to qualitative data obtained from observations of students and teachers during learning in the classroom, and the quantitative analysis is used to test Effective Speed Reading (KEM) students using klos. The results of the study in the first cycle readability level is still low, due to the effective speeds average reading rate of 87 words per minute with 18% Independent, Instruktional rate of 38% and 44% in frustration. In the second cycle results of the study experienced a positive change that is effective speeds average reading rate of 150 words per minute with 78% Independent, Instructional rate of 18%, and the frustration level of 4%. The results of the study in the third cycle experienced stabilization which is the average Effective Speed Reading (KEM) 210 wpm with independent level of 100%. The result showed that the activity of learning to read faster by using klos can improve Effective Speed Reading (KEM) students. 


Effective Speed Reading (KEM) and Closed Test

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Author Biography

Johirman Johirman, SMA Negeri 6 Bengkulu Selatan

Guru Bahasa Indonesia pada SMA Negeri 6 Bengkulu Selatan


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