Original manuscript can be downloaded

The manuscript can be in the form of research results articles, literature reviews, case studies or ideas. Manuscripts must be original (never published) using Indonesian or English. When submitting a manuscript, the author should follow the guidelines below.

  • The manuscript should be within the scope and focus of this journal subject.
  • Manuscripts or articles are sent in a soft copy of Microsoft Word files, through an online system by registering first at the address https://ejournal.unib.ac.id/............... and via e-mail........@unib.ac.id.
  • Excel formatted tables, JPEG format images, graphics and the like are placed into text manuscripts.
  • The manuscript is sent with the following conditions :
    • A4 paper (21 cm x 21,7cm) with the page margin; Left (2 cm), top (2 cm), Right (2 cm), and bottom (2 cm);
    • The number of the manuscript pages between 5 - 12 pages.
    • The script is written one column with 1 space.
    • The manuscript is only written in Indonesian except abstract. It is written in English too)
    • The conjunctions (and, in, or with, as well, about, that, against, so, because, then, for the sake,) and prepositions (in, to, from, into, within, by, through) are written in lowercase
  • Manuscript are written with the following regulations.
    • TITLE (Times New Roman 14; contains uppercase letters; bold; center).
    • Author(s) Name (Times New Roman 12; bold; center).
    • Author(s) Affiliation (Times New Roman 10; center), contains the name of the institution/organization/workplace/author’s works/study place.
    • Correspondence (Times New Roman 10; center), contains first author’s email address.
    • Abstract in Indonesian (Times New Roman 11; center; bold) and its contents (Times New Roman 10).
    • Keywords in Indonesian (Times New Roman 10; bold) and their contents (Times New Roman 10). Keywords are written with a number of 3-5 phrases.
    • Abstract in English (Times New Roman 11; center; bold) and its contents (Times New Roman 10).
    • Keywords in English (Times New Roman 10; bold) and their contents (Times New Roman 10). Keywords are written with a number of 3-5 phrases.
    • INTRODUCTION (Times New Roman 12 and bold) and its contents (Times New Roman 12).
    • RESEARCH METHODS (Times New Roman 12 and bold) and its contents (Times New Roman 12).
    • RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (Times New Roman 12 and bold) and its contents (Times New Roman 12). Descriptions of the results and discussion should be made separately.
    • CONCLUSION (Times New Roman 12 and bold) and its contents (Times New Roman 12).
    • ACKNOWLEDGMENT (May be used or not) (Times New Roman 12; center; bold) and its contents (Times New Roman 12).
    • REFERENCES (Times New Roman 12; center; bold) and reading sources (Times New Roman 12). All citations mentioned in the text must be listed in the bibliography. Furthermore, references must have a minimum of 10 cited literatures and a maximum of 30 literatures, all of which are listed in ascending order. A minimum of 80% of the total cited literature must come from primary sources (journal articles), published in the last 10 years. References should be written using the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th Edition format, and reference management applications such as Mendeley, Zotero or Endnote.