Jurnal PGSD: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar https://ejournal.unib.ac.id/pgsd <p><strong>Jurnal PGSD: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Guru Sekolah</strong> Dasar by Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Bengkulu publishes research articles and literature reviews that discuss learning in PGSD (Learning in higher education in the field of elementary education) or in Elementary Schools that discuss curriculum and technology, learning approaches, school based management, education policies that have never been published. This journal collaborates with <a href="https://adpgsdindonesia.org/link-jurnal-pgsd/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">the Indonesian PGSD Lecturer Association.</a></p> en-US <p><img style="border-width: 0;" src="https://licensebuttons.net/l/by-sa/4.0/88x31.png" alt="Creative Commons License" /></p><p> Authors who publish in this journal agree with the following terms:</p><ol type="a"><li>Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY-SA)</a> that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.</li><li>Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.</li><li>Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See <a href="http://opcit.eprints.org/oacitation-biblio.html" target="_new">The Effect of Open Access</a>).</li><li>This work is licensed under a <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.</a></li></ol> pgsd.fkip@unib.ac.id (Dwi Anggraini) ikekurniawati@unib.ac.id (Ike Kurniawati) Thu, 23 Nov 2023 13:35:03 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) terhadap Peningkatan Literasi Siswa Melalui Metode Content Analysis https://ejournal.unib.ac.id/pgsd/article/view/26457 <p><em>Currently, education in Indonesia has a relatively low ranking compared to other countries in terms of the education system. There are several reasons why education in Indonesia is still low compared to other countries. One of them is the influence of a lack of literacy or interest in reading on students</em><em>.</em> <em>The purpose of this study is to describe the results of research on the implementation of the Based Learning model on literacy skills. These findings are then used as a basis for looking for new ways, especially the benefits of the PBL model in increasing basic education literacy skills. The research method uses content analysis of the 2018-2022 articles from Google Schoolar, Scopus.com and Garuda websites which are searched using the keyword "PBL". The research findings show that the PBL learning model can improve literacy skills. The new way is in the form of the benefits of implementing the PBL model in improving literacy skills, including: PBL is useful for training students in problem solving, obtaining knowledge or key concepts from the material, training critical thinking skills, increasing scientific literacy, constructing their own knowledge, growing motivation and self-confidence in learning, improve communication and work together in groups and can facilitate student involvement.</em><em> Based on this research, PBL increases student literacy in several ways such as developing critical thinking skills, problem solving abilities, communication skills, ability to connect theory with concepts, increasing motivation which influences the willingness to learn further and student involvement in the learning process which ultimately can improve literacy.</em></p> Nunung Nurhayati, Netty Herawaty, Ai Juliani, Yuyun Elizabeth Patras Copyright (c) 2023 Nunung Nurhayati, Netty Herawaty, Ai Juliani, Yuyun Elizabeth Patras https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.unib.ac.id/pgsd/article/view/26457 Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Analisis Kesulitan Belajar Matematika Kelas 2 SD Muhammadiyah 3 Assalaam https://ejournal.unib.ac.id/pgsd/article/view/28548 <p><em>In order to prepare students to be able to apply mathematics and mathematical thinking patterns in everyday life and in studying various sciences at school, difficulties in understanding material in mathematics subjects experienced by students, especially in elementary schools, need to be addressed immediately. This research aims to analyze the difficulties experienced by grade 2 students at SD Muhammadiyah 3 Assalaam. This research is a type of descriptive research with a qualitative approach, the data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation. Data validation techniques use technical triangulation, source triangulation and time triangulation. The research was carried out in class 2 of SD Muhammadiyah 3 Assalaam, Blimbing District, Malang City, East Java. The results of the research show that mathematics is a subject that is considered difficult by the majority of grade 2 students at Muhammadiyah Assalaam Elementary School, especially in the multiplication operation material. This is caused by various factors originating from internal and external factors.</em></p> Elok Dara Pramiswari, Beti Istanti Suwandayani, Tyas Deviana Copyright (c) 2023 Elok Dara Pramiswari, Beti Istanti Suwandayani, Tyas Deviana https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.unib.ac.id/pgsd/article/view/28548 Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Pengaruh Literasi Membaca terhadap Pembelajaran IPS pada Mahasiswa PGSD Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong https://ejournal.unib.ac.id/pgsd/article/view/29967 <p>This study aims to assess the reading literacy skills of PGSD students at Muhammadiyah University of Sorong. Low reading proficiency adversely impacts learning outcomes, particularly in the field of social studies education. The students' low reading proficiency leads to a lack of comprehension of the reading material. Therefore, to improve the development of students' competencies and interest in reading culture The research methodology employed is quantitative, with a sample of 100 PGSD students at Muhammadiyah University of Sorong. Data analysis was carried out using simple linear regression. This is evident from the results of the simple linear regression test, which yielded a significant value of 0.00, less than the set significance level of α = 0.05. The findings of this study indicate that reading literacy significantly influences the reading interest of PGSD students. The research results reveal the following: (1) 67.53% of students exhibit adequate reading literacy skills, (2) 81% of students achieve very good learning outcomes, and (3) there is a noteworthy 5.4% correlation between reading literacy skills and student learning achievement.</p> Irfandi Idris, Rizky Ekawaty Ahmad, Ramin Ode, Umar, Nisya Dian Anggraini Copyright (c) 2023 Irfandi Fandy, Rizky Ekawaty Ahmad, Abdul Fatah Umbalak, Rismawati Rahayaan, Nisya Dian Anggraini https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.unib.ac.id/pgsd/article/view/29967 Wed, 30 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Upaya Guru Kelas dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Menggunakan Media Gambar pada Anak Tunagrahita https://ejournal.unib.ac.id/pgsd/article/view/28642 <p><em>Efforts of Classroom Teachers in Improving Mathematics Learning Outcomes Using Picture Media in Mentally Disabled Children Thesis for Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program, Teaching and Education Faculty, Pakuan University, Bogor, 2023. The research aims to find out the results of learning mathematics using picture media in children mentally disabled. Taking place at SDN Perwira, Bogor City, it will be held in the even semester of the 2022/2023 Academic Year. This type of research is a case study qualitative research, the research subject is one of the second grade students at SDN Perwira Bogor City who has difficulty in counting. This research data collection technique by observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis by reducing irrelevant data, presenting data systematically, and drawing conclusions on research findings. The results showed that students who had difficulty in counting. </em></p> Siti Hanifah Awalliah, Yuyun Elizabeth Patras, Yudhie Suchyadi Copyright (c) 2023 Siti Hanifah Awalliah, Yuyun Elizabeth Patras, Yudhie Suchyadi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.unib.ac.id/pgsd/article/view/28642 Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Hasil Wawancara Peserta Didik Melalui Metode Outdoor Study https://ejournal.unib.ac.id/pgsd/article/view/30251 <p><em>The objective of this study was to enhance students' proficiency in documenting interview outcomes through the application of outdoor study methods. The participants were 10 students selected from an elementary school in Kapanewon Samigaluh, Kulon Progo Regency, comprising 6 boys and 4 girls. The research utilized a classroom action research approach. The findings indicated a progressive improvement in students' ability to write down interview results in each cycle. During the initial cycle, students achieved an average score of 11.1 with a success rate of 50%, which falls within the category of "good" (category B). In the second cycle, the score increased to 13 with a success rate of 60%, still classifying as "good" (category B). The third cycle saw a further surge, with the average score reaching 15.7 and a success rate of 80%, placing it in the "very good" (SB) category. These results lead to the conclusion that employing outdoor study techniques contributes to the enhancement of students' writing skills in documenting interview results.</em></p> Mirva Faudati, Siti Rochmiyati Copyright (c) 2023 Mirva Faudati Faudati, Siti Rochmiyati https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.unib.ac.id/pgsd/article/view/30251 Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Pengembangan E-LKPD Menggunakan Aplikasi Wizer.Me Pada Mata Pelajaran IPAS Materi Transformasi Energi Di Sekitar Kita https://ejournal.unib.ac.id/pgsd/article/view/28621 <p><em>This research is Research and Development (RnD), with the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). This study aims to develop and determine the feasibility of E-LKPD using the Wizer.me application. The feasibility of E-LKPD is proven through the results of expert validation and student responses. The validation results of media experts, linguists, and material experts stated that the E-LKPD using the Wizer.me application was very feasible to use with the results of data analysis from the completed questionnaire obtaining a percentage of 94.2% from media experts, 100% from linguists, and 96% from material experts, which means the product being developed is really worth testing out. Based on a limited trial conducted on students in class IV-A, as many as 26 students received a very good response with a percentage of 97%. Thus it can be concluded that the development of E-LKPD using the Wizer.me application in the Natural Sciences subject matter of energy transformation around us is very feasible to use in the learning process. The results of the research are expected to provide new knowledge regarding the use of electronic-based student worksheets using the Wizer.me application</em></p> Siti Nur Elisa, Dadang Kurnia, Wawan Syahiril Anwar Copyright (c) 2023 Siti Nur Elisa, Dadang Kurnia, Wawan Syahiril Anwar https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.unib.ac.id/pgsd/article/view/28621 Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Studi Deskriptif Penggunaan Bahan Ajar IPA Berbasis STEAM untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Sains Mahasiswa https://ejournal.unib.ac.id/pgsd/article/view/24571 <p><em>This study aims to describe: (1) the implementation of learning using science teaching materials with the STEAM approach and (2) the profile of scientific literacy abilities. This qualitative research was conducted by observing the implementation of learning using science teaching materials with STEAM and students' scientific literacy skills. The research instruments used were observation and tests. The instrument for observing student activities uses the following indicators: (1) Understanding of the material presented in individual teaching materials; (2) The group task of discussing material is strengthened by the results of accessing the learning video link; and (3) the ability of students both individually and in groups to complete projects. The test is used to collect data on students' scientific literacy skills. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive analysis.</em><em> Conclusions (1) The implementation of learning shows that: (a) the achievement of the low category is not found; (b) the achievement of the medium category reached the highest number in the third indicator, namely the ability of students to complete projects both individually and in groups. And (c) the achievement of the high category reached the largest number in the first indicator, namely the understanding of the material presented in individual teaching materials. (2) The profile of students' scientific literacy abilities: (a) the overall teaching material achieved an average score of 84.98; (b) the highest average score on the food digestive system teaching material is 86.43 (c) the lowest average score on the respiratory system teaching material is 83.04</em><em>.</em></p> Endang Widi Winarni, Irwan Koto, Yusnia, Ventri, Putri Copyright (c) 2023 Endang Widi Winarni, Irwan Koto, Yusnia, Ventri, Putri https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.unib.ac.id/pgsd/article/view/24571 Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Pengelolaan Sarana dan Prasarana Pendidikan dalam Membangun Sekolah yang Efektif di Sekolah Dasar https://ejournal.unib.ac.id/pgsd/article/view/30625 <p><em>This research is motivated by problems related to the management of educational facilities and infrastructure that are not optimal. The purpose of this study is to determine how the management of educational facilities and infrastructure to create effective schools in elementary schools. The method used in this research is mix method with sequential explanatory research design. This research uses saturated samples with a population and sample size of 41 people, while the data sources in this study are principals, representatives of teaching staff and education staff. The instruments used in this study were questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The results showed that the management of educational facilities and infrastructure at SDN 2 Rajabasa and SDN 3 Kampung Baru was carried out in three stages, namely the planning stage, the maintenance and supervision stage, and the reporting of educational facilities and infrastructure. while based on quantitative data analysis it can be concluded that there is an influence in the management of educational facilities and infrastructure which is 0.156 or 15% to create effective schools in elementary schools.</em></p> Rima Yuni Saputri, Sheren Dwi Oktaria, Muhisom Copyright (c) 2023 Rima Yuni Saputri, Sheren Dwi Oktaria, Muhisom https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.unib.ac.id/pgsd/article/view/30625 Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Penggunaan Pajum Pada Siswa Kelas II SD Negeri Merauke Materi Penjumlahan dengan Teknik Menyimpan https://ejournal.unib.ac.id/pgsd/article/view/30199 <p><em>This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). The aim of the research is to improve Mathematics learning outcomes regarding Addition of Two Numbers using Saving Techniques for grade II students at SD Negeri 2 Merauke for the 2022/2023 academic year by using the Addition Board (Pajum) teaching aid until they reach the Minimum Completeness Criteria (MCC). The research is said to be successful if all students have reached the MCC 65. The results of the research show that there has been an increase, that Pajum teaching aids make learning material more interesting and simple. So it shows that there was an increase in the percentage of learning outcomes in Mathematics subjects before the action of 12 (43%) students who completed the first cycle, there was an increase to 18 (64%) students and after the second cycle it increased to 28 (100%) students who completed it. In accordance with the aim of this research, namely the use of Pajum teaching aids can improve learning outcomes about Adding Two Numbers with Saving Techniques for grade II SD Negeri 2 Merauke for the 2022/2023 Academic Year until they reach the MCC</em><em>.</em></p> Wiwin Mariyanto, Yonarlianto Tembang, Martha Betaubun, Suryani Madjid, Any Niatun Copyright (c) 2023 Wiwin Mariyanto, Yonarlianto Tembang, Martha Betaubun, Suryani Madjid, Any Niatun https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.unib.ac.id/pgsd/article/view/30199 Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Menggunakan Articulate Storyline 3 Pada Tema 8 Subtema Manusia dan Lingkungan https://ejournal.unib.ac.id/pgsd/article/view/28617 <p><em>This research is Research and Development (RnD), with the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) development model which aims to develop and determine the feasibility of Interactive Learning Media using Articulate Storyline 3 on Theme 8 sub-theme humans and the environment. The feasibility of Interactive Learning Media is proven through the results of expert validation which is then tested in a limited trial and evaluation stage through the distribution of material questions and student response questionnaires. The validation test results from media experts, language experts and material experts stated that the product was in the "very feasible" category for testing with an average percentage of 97%. Based on limited trials using Interactive Learning Media carried out on class V-B students, as many as 41 students obtained an average score of 87 with a classical KKM score achievement percentage of 90% and received a very good response with a percentage of 87.93% where students were very interested in using it. product. Thus it can be concluded that the development of Interactive Learning Media using Articulate Storyline 3 in Theme 8 Sub-theme humans and the environment is very suitable for use in the learning process. It is hoped that the research results will provide new knowledge regarding the use of interactive learning media using Articulate Storyline 3, which is effective in increasing student learning motivation which influences student learning outcomes.</em></p> Destriani Safitri, Ratih Purnamasari, Yudhie Suchyadi Copyright (c) 2023 Destriani Safitri, Ratih Purnamasari, Yudhie Suchyadi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.unib.ac.id/pgsd/article/view/28617 Fri, 24 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000