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This study evaluates the reproductive performance and population development of red junglefowl offspring in communities in Seluma District, Bengkulu. Fifty respondents obtained by snowball sampling method used in this study. Data obtained through interviews, filling out questionnaires, and observation; includes rearing techniques, egg and chick production, as well as population. As a result, chicken population based on age and sex structure consisting of roosters (85 individuals), hens (67 individuals), chicks (63 individuals), and young chickens (122 individuals); and a total of 337 chickens. Chickens are raised by the community with 3 systems, namely (1) caged during the day and night, (2) released during the day and night, caged at night and released during the day. Egg production 5–15 eggs/hen/period, average 10.07±2.3 eggs/head/period, 8.6 ± 1.83 eggs were incubated by the hen, and eggs hatched 6.17±1.6 eggs/hen/period (72.78%), and and produced 6.17 chicks (61.26% of total egg production). Population development was slow, the initial population was 96 and the final population was 337 or an increase of 241 individuals (259.14%), the length of time of rearing was 7.47 years, so the increase rate was 32.26 individuals/year or 33.60% from the initial population. In conclusion, the descendants of the red jungle fowl are local chickens that genetically have good reproductive performance. Population growth is slow and is thought to be due to poor chickens rearing management.


Key words: Red Jungle Fowl, Offspring, Reproduction, Population



Penelitian ini mengevaluasi performa reproduksi dan perkembangan populasi ayam hutan merah dan keturunannya pada masyarakat di Kabupaten Seluma, Bengkulu. Lima puluh responden diperoleh dengan metode snowball sampling digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Data diperoleh  melalui wawancara, pengisian kuesioner, dan observasi;  meliputi teknik pemeliharaan, produksi telur dan anak ayam, serta populasi. Hasil, populasi ayam terdiri dari ayam jantan (85 ekor ayam), ayam betina (67 ekor ayam), anak ayam (63 ekor anak ayam), dan ayam muda (122 ekor ayam), sehingga total ayam 337 ekor ayam. Ayam dipelihara dengan 3 sistim yaitu : dikandangkan  siang  dan malam hari, dilepas siang dan malam hari, dikandangkan pada malam hari dan dilepas pada siang hari. Produksi telur 5–15 butir/induk ayam/periode, rata-rata 10,07±2,3 butir/ekor/periode, jumlah telur dieram 8,6±1,83 butir/induk ayam/periode, dan telur yang menetas 6,17±1,6 butir/induk ayam/periode (72,78%). Produksi anak ayam sebanyak 6,17 ekor/induk ayam/periode (61,26% dari total produksi telur). Perkembangan populasi lambat, populasi awal adalah 96 ekor dan populasi akhir sebanyak 337 ekor atau naik 241 ekor (259,14%), dengan lama pemeliharaan adalah 7,47 tahun, sehingga angka kenaikkan adalah 32,26 ekor/tahun atau 33,60% dari populasi awal. Berdasarkan penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa ayam hutan merah keturunan dipelihara sebagai ayam lokal yang secara genetik memiliki kemampuan reproduksi cukup baik. Perkembangan populasi lambat yang diduga disebabkan menajemen pemeliharaan yang kurang baik.


Kata kunci: ayam hutan merah, keturunan, reproduksi, populas


ayam hutan merah, keturunan, reproduksi, populasi

Article Details


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