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The aim of study is to determine the ability of kitolod leaves given through drinking water as a substitute for antibiotics in terms of growth performance, weight, and length of the small intestine of broiler. The method used is a Complete Random Design with 5 treatments of 4 tests and each test consists of 10 chickens. Details of the treatment: TO = 0% kitolod leaf extract; T1 = tetracycline antibiotics; T2 = 0.5% kitolod leaf extract; Q3: 3.0% kitolod leaf extract, and T4 = 4.5% kitolod leaf extract. The variables observed in this study are the Performance of broiler chickens (feed consumption, weight gain, and feed conversion) and the weight and length of the small intestine of broiler chickens. The results showed that there was no noticeable effect (P>0,05) of giving kitolod leaf extract on the growth performance, weight, and length of the gastrointestinal tract of broiler chickens. Pemberian extract of kitolod leaves up to 4.5% through drinking water has not able to increase the growth performance, weight, and length of the small intestine of broiler.
Key words: Small Intestine, Weight Gain, Feed Consumption, Feed Conversion.
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahuai kemampuan ekstrak daun kitolod yang diberikan melalui air minum sebagai pengganti antibiotik ditinjau dari peforma pertumbuhan, bobot dan panjang usus halus ayam broiler. Metode yang dipakai yaitu Rancangan Acak Lengkap, 5 perlakuan, 4 ulangan (10 ekor ayam pada tiap ulangan). Rincian dari perlakuan: TO = 0% ekstrak daun kitolod; T1 = antibiotik tetracyclin; T2 = 1,5% ekstrak daun kitolod; T3: 3,0% ekstrak daun kitolod; dan T4 = 4,5% ekstrak daun kitolod. Variabel yang diamati pada penelitian ialah: Performa ayam broiler (konsumsi pakan, PBB, dan FCR) dan bobot serta panjang usus halus ayam broiler. Hasil Tidak ada pengaruh yang nyata (P>0,05) pemberian ekstrak daun kitolod terhadap kinerja pertumbuhan, bobot dan panjang saluran pencernaan ayam broiler. Pemberian ekstrak daun kitolod sampai 4,5% melalui air minum belum mampu meningkatkan kinerja pertumbuhan, bobot dan panjang usus halus broiler.
Kata kunci: Usus Halus, Konsumsi Pakan, PBB, FCR
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Arifin, H., T.I. Alwi, O. Aisyahharma, dan D.A. Juwita. 2018. Kajian efek analgetik dan toksisitas subakut dari ekstrak etanol daun kitolod (Isotoma longiflora L.) pada mencit putih jantan. Jurnal Sains Farmasi & Klinis. 5(2):112–18. doi: 10.25077/jsfk.5.2.112-118.2018.
Classen, H.L. 2017. Diet energy and feed intake in chickens. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 233:13–21. doi: 10.1016/J.ANIFEEDSCI.2016.03.004.
Dani, M., Rusman, and Zuprizal. 2019. The influence of nano-encapsulation of Melastoma Malabathricum L. fruit extract to lipid profile of broiler chicken. Buletin Peternakan. 43(4):237–41. doi: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v43i4.42538.
Ferdous, M.F., M.S. Arefin, M.M. Rahman, M.M.R. Ripon, M.H. Rashid, M.R. Sultana, M.T. Hossain, M.U. Ahammad, and K, Rafiq. 2019. Beneficial effects of probiotic and phytobiotic as growth promoter alternative to antibiotic for safe broiler production. Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research 6 (3): 409-415.
Huseein, E.O.S., H.A. Shamseldein, A.M. Abudabos, M.R. Aljumaah, M.M. Alkhlulaif, M.A. Nassa, G.M. Suliman, M.A.E. Naiel, and A.A. Swelum. 2020. effect of antibiotic, phytobiotic and probiotic supplementation on growth, blood indices and intestine health in broiler chicks challenged with clostridium perfringens elsayed. Animals. 10(3):507–24. doi:
Khothijah, S., E. Erwan, dan E. Irawati. 2021. Performa ayam broiler yang diberi ekstrak daun jambu mete (Anacardium occidentale Linn) dalam air minum. Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi Dan Teknologi Pakan. 19(1):19–23. doi: 10.29244/jintp.19.1.19-23.
Martiningsih, N.W., I.W. Mudianta, and I.A.P. Suryanti. 2021. Phytochemical screening and antioxidant activity of Hippobroma longiflora extracts. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 1115(1):012078. doi: 10.1088/1757-899x/1115/1/012078.
Gheisar, M.M., and I.H. Kim. 2018. Phytobiotics in poultry and swine nutrition–a review. Italian Journal of Animal Science. 17(1):92–99. doi: 10.1080/1828051X.2017.1350120.
Ningsih, N., B. Aryadi, and Zuprizal. 2021. Penggunaan nanoenkapsulasi ekstrak buah Mahkota Dewa ( Phaleria macrocarpa ) Dalam air minum terhadap performa produksi ayam broiler. Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan Terapan. 4(2):84–91. doi:
Rasyid, Z.A., A. Farida, S.H. Daud, S. Wiwin, K.I. Wijaya, and A.E. Tangke. Bioactivities of forest medicinal plants on kutai ethnic (Indonesia) of tapak leman (Hippobroma longiflora (L) G. Don). GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 11 (2):91-98.
Ravindran, V., and M.R. Abdollahi. 2021. Nutrition and digestive physiology of the broiler chick: state of the art and outlook. Animals. 11:1-23.
Simanjuntak, H.A. 2020. view of antibacterial activity of ethanolic extract of Kitolod (Hippobroma longiflora) leaf against Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhi. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Developmenty. 8(1):52–54.
Wardani, T.S., T.C. Nisa, and K.S. Artini. 2022. Antibacterial activity test of n-hexan , ethyl acetate and water from ethanol extract of kitolod leaf ( Isotoma longiflora ( L .) C . Presl .) against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923. Proceedings of the International Conference on Nursing and Health Sciences. 3(1):9–16