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The red junglefowl is a wild fowl and has been tamed and produces offspring, and is kept by the people of Bengkulu. The aim of the research is to identify and evaluate rearing management and production of red jungle fowl offspring in communities in Bengkulu. Research respondents were determined using the snowball sampling method, and fifty respondents were obtained. Data was obtained through observation, discussion and interviews, and filling in prepared forms; namely food management, housing, disease prevention, utilization and production. The results showed that the RJF offspring kept by the community were used for crossbreeding with local chickens (47%), production of chicks (28%), as hunting chickens (62%), and ornamental chickens (82%). Chickens are kept in 4 ways: (1) housed during the day and night, (2) chickens are kept free during the day and housed at night, (3) chickens are kept free at any time, and (4) chicken is placed on a perch. Feed given is commercial feed (BR1), corn, rice, brown rice, bran, crickets and ant eggs. Average egg production is 34 eggs/ hen/year, and chick production is estimated at 27 chicks/hen/year, and population growth is 2.68%/year. In conclusion, the community raising chicken is traditional, the quantity and quality of feed is not sufficient, the cages are very simple, disease prevention and safety protection are inadequate. As a local chicken, the average egg production is high, hatchability and chick production are high, but population development is slow. Poor chick rearing management and the aim of raising RJF offspring cause population development to be slow.
Keywords: Community, management and production, rearing, RJF Offspring
Ayam hutan merah merupakan unggas liar yang telah dijinakkan dan menghasilkan keturunan, serta dipelihara oleh masyarakat Bengkulu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mengevaluasi manajemen pemeliharaan dan produksi peranakan ayam hutan merah yang dipelihara oleh masyarakat Bengkulu. Responden penelitian ditentukan dengan metode snowball sampling, dan diperoleh lima puluh responden. Data diperoleh melalui observasi, diskusi dan wawancara, serta pengisian formulir yang telah disiapkan; meliputi pengelolaan pakan, kandang, pencegahan penyakit, pemanfaatan dan produksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keturunan RJF yang dipelihara masyarakat digunakan untuk kawin silang dengan ayam lokal (47%), produksi anakan (28%), sebagai ayam berburu (62%), dan ayam hias (82%). Ayam dipelihara dengan 4 cara: (1) dikandangkan pada siang dan malam hari, (2) ayam dibebaskan pada siang hari dan dikandangkan malam hari, (3) ayam dibebaskan pada siang dan malamnya, dan (4) ayam ditempatkan pada tenggeran. Pakan yang diberikan adalah pakan komersial (BR1), jagung, beras, beras merah, dedak, jangkrik dan telur semut. Produksi telur rata-rata 34 butir/ekor/tahun, produksi anak ayam diperkirakan 27 ekor/ekor/tahun, dan pertumbuhan populasi 2,68%/tahun. Kesimpulannya, peternakan ayam masyarakat masih bersifat tradisional, kuantitas dan kualitas pakan belum mencukupi, kandang sangat sederhana, pencegahan penyakit dan perlindungan keamanan belum memadai. Sebagai ayam lokal rata-rata produksi telurnya tinggi, daya tetas dan produksi anakannya tinggi, namun perkembangan populasinya lambat. Manajemen pemeliharaan anak ayam yang buruk dan tujuan membesarkan keturunan RJF menyebabkan perkembangan populasi menjadi lambat.
Kata kunci: Komunitas, Manajemen dan Produksi, Pemeliharaan, Keturunan ayam hutan merah
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- Abdullah, Z. and S.M.A. Babjee, 1982. Habitat preference of the Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus). Malay. Applied Biol., 11: 59-63.
- Arshad M.I., M. Zakarian, A.S. Sajap,and A. Ismail. 2000. Food and feeding habits of Red Junglefowl. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 3 (6): 1024-1026.
- Association, World & Group, IUCN/Re-introduction & Angulo, Fernando & Bianchi, Carlos & Braun, Clait & Buner, Francis & Connelly, Jack & Corder, John & Fraser, Anna & Göth, Ann & Kock, Richard & Launay, Frederic & McGowan, Philip & Peirera, Sergio & Seddon, Philip & Soorae, Pritpal & Therune, Theron. 2009. Guidelines for the Re-introduction of Galliformes for Conservation Purposes.
- Belteky J, B. Agnvall, M. Johnsson, D. Wright, and P. Jensen. 2016. Domestication and tameness: brain gene expression in red junglefowl selected for less fear of humans suggests effects on reproduction and immunology. sci.3: 160033. Downloaded from http: // on December 5, 2016.
- Collias, N. E., and E.C. Collias. 1967. “A Field Study of the Red Jungle Fowl in North-Central India.” The Condor, vol. 69, no. 4, 1967, pp. 360–386. JSTOR, Accessed 5 May 2023.
- Collies, N. E. and P. Saichuae, 1967. Ecology of the Red Junglefowl in Thailand and Malaya with reference to the origin of domestication. The Natural History Bulletin, Siam Society.
- Daniel M. and D. Balnave. 1981. Responses of crossbred layers fed specific meal times. British Poultry Science. 22: 347-354.
- Farmer M. and D.A. Roland. Calcium utilization in the laying hen, 1982. Poultry Science. 61, pp. 1378, 1982. (Abstract).
- Hidayat C. and S.A. Asmarasari. 2015. Native chicken production in Indonesia: A review. Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia, 17 (1) p. 1-11.
- Kerje S, O. Carlborg, L. Jacobsson, et al. 2003. The twofold difference in adult size between the red junglefowl and White Leghorn chickens is largely explained by a limited number of QTLs. Anim. Genet., 34: 264- 274.
- Ketaren, P.P 2010. Kebutuhan gizi ternak Unggas di Indonesia. Wartazoa 20 (4):172-180.
- Medway, L. and D.R. Wells, 1976. The Birds of the Malay Peninsula. Vol. 5, Witherby, London, P. 448.
- Modu M.A., A.A. Benisheikh, T.A. Jibrin, A.M. Marte, and A.M. Ali. 2014. The effects of feeding time and regimen on the performance of broiler breeders: A review. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research : D. Agriculture and Veterinary, 14 (9) Version 1.0 Year 2014.
- Nakkazi, C., D.R Kugonza, A. Kayitesi, H.E. Mulindwa, and M.W. Okot. 2015. The effect of diet and feeding system on the on-farm performance of local chickens during the early growth phase. Livestock Research for Rural Development 27 (10).
- Nataamijaya, A.G. 2010. Pengembangan potensi ayam lokal untuk menunjang peningkatan kesejahteraan petani. Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, 29(4): 131-138.
- Nishida, T., K. Tanaka, Y. Fujio, T. Shotake, A.M. Babjee, S.N. Nustaffa, T. Azam, and S.M.A. Babjee, 1975. Studies on the interrelationship between the Malaysian jungle fowl and native poultry and morphological investigations on native livestock in MalaysiaProgress report. University of Tokyo, Japan.
- Peterson, A., and I. Brisbin. 1999. Genetic endangerment of wild Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus). Bird Conservation International, 9:387-394.
- Pousga S., H. Boly, and B. Ogle. Choice feeding of poultry: a review. 2005. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 17, Art. #45. Retrieved July 17, 2017.
- Price E.O. 1999. Behavioral development in animals undergoing domestication. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 65:245-271.
- Putranto H.D. 2011. Suplementasi daun katuk terhadap ukuran ovarium dan oviduk serta tampilan produksi telur ayam burgo. Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia 6 (2): 103-114.
- Putranto H.D., G.P. Hasibuan, Y. Yumiati, J. Setianto, B. Brata, N. Kurniati, dan F.F. Hakiki. 2017. The estimation of dynamical distribution of domesticated Burgo chicken population in Bengkulu Coastal Area, Indonesia. Biodiversitas, 18 (2): 458-464.
- Rahayu, I. 2002. Karakteristik dan tingkah laku ayam hutan merah (Gallus gallus spadiseus) di dalam kurungan. Med. Pet., 24 (2):45-50.
- Rauw W.M., E. Kanis, E.N. Noordhuizen-Stassen, and F.J. Grommers. 1998. Undesirable side effects of selection for high production efficiency in farm animals: a review. Livestock Production Science, 56:15-33.
- Romanov M., and S. Weigend. 2001. Analysis of genetic relationships between various populations of domestic and jungle fowl using microsatellite markers. Poult Sci., 80: 1057-1063.
- Schutz K.E., B. Forkman, and P. Jensen. 2001. Domestication effects on foraging strategy, social behaviour and different fear responses: a comparison between the red junglefowl (Gallus gallus) and a modern layer strain. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 74: 1-14.
- Setianto, J., H. Prakoso, and Sutriyono. 2015. Performa produksi dan reproduksi ayam burgo pada peternakan rakyat di Kota Bengkulu. Proc. Seminar Nasional tentang Unggas Lokal V. Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, 18-19 November 2015.
- Setianto, J., H. Prakoso, and Sutriyono. 2015a. Domestication of red jungle fowl: A case study of red jungle fowl mpoaching by communities in North Bengkulu. Pros Sem. Nas. Masy. Biodiv. Indon., 1 (2): 207-212.
- Setianto J., H. Prakoso, and Sutriyono. 2014. Kajian domestikasi ayam hutan merah berbasis masyarakat serta strategi pengembangannya di Bengkulu. Laporan Penelitian. Universitas Bengkulu.
- Setianto, J., Sutriyono, H. Prakoso, and B. Zein. 2016. Identification of the origin of the Red Junglefowl Reared by community in Seluma District. Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia,11 (2):141-152.
- Soltanmoradi, M.G., A. Seidavi, M. Dadashbeiki, Fernando, Delgado, and S. Gamboa. 2013. Effect of time, amount and frequency of feeding on total egg production, fertility and hatchability in broiler breeders. Archiv Tierzucht, 56 (2013) 102, 1014 -1022, 2013.
- Subhani A., M.S. Awan, M. Anwar, U. Ali, and N.I. Dar. 2010. Population status and distribution pattern of Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus murghi) in Deva Vatala National Park, Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Pakistan: A Pioneer Study. Pakistan J. Zool., 42(6): 701-706.
- Sutriyono, J. Setianto, and H. Prakoso. 2016. Production and population of the red jungle fowl domestication in North Bengkulu District and population development scenario. Pros. Sem. Nas. Masy. Biodiv. Indon., 2 (2): 226-231.
- Sutriyono, J. Setianto, H. Prakoso, and B. Zain. 2016a. Conservation and utilization of Red Junglefowl in the coastal areas of North Bengkulu. International Seminar sustainable utilization of coastal resources in tropical zone, 19-20 October, 2016, Bengkulu, Indonesia.
- Vaisanen J. J. Hakansson, and P. Jensen. 2005. Social interactions in Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus) and White Leghorn layers in stable groups and after re-grouping. British Poultry Science, 46:156-168.
- Warnoto. 2001. Analisis Produksi Telur Ayam Burgo yang Dipelihara Secara Tradisional di Bengkulu. Unib Deu-Like Award. Universitas Bengkulu.
- West B. & B.X. Zhou. 1988. Did chickens go North? New evidence for domestication. Journal of Archaeological Science, 15: 515-533.
- Zac Mackenzie, 2017. Husbandry Guidelines for Red Jungle Fowl Gallus gallus (Aves: Phasianidae.
Abdullah, Z. and S.M.A. Babjee, 1982. Habitat preference of the Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus). Malay. Applied Biol., 11: 59-63.
Arshad M.I., M. Zakarian, A.S. Sajap,and A. Ismail. 2000. Food and feeding habits of Red Junglefowl. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 3 (6): 1024-1026.
Association, World & Group, IUCN/Re-introduction & Angulo, Fernando & Bianchi, Carlos & Braun, Clait & Buner, Francis & Connelly, Jack & Corder, John & Fraser, Anna & Göth, Ann & Kock, Richard & Launay, Frederic & McGowan, Philip & Peirera, Sergio & Seddon, Philip & Soorae, Pritpal & Therune, Theron. 2009. Guidelines for the Re-introduction of Galliformes for Conservation Purposes.
Belteky J, B. Agnvall, M. Johnsson, D. Wright, and P. Jensen. 2016. Domestication and tameness: brain gene expression in red junglefowl selected for less fear of humans suggests effects on reproduction and immunology. sci.3: 160033. Downloaded from http: // on December 5, 2016.
Collias, N. E., and E.C. Collias. 1967. “A Field Study of the Red Jungle Fowl in North-Central India.” The Condor, vol. 69, no. 4, 1967, pp. 360–386. JSTOR, Accessed 5 May 2023.
Collies, N. E. and P. Saichuae, 1967. Ecology of the Red Junglefowl in Thailand and Malaya with reference to the origin of domestication. The Natural History Bulletin, Siam Society.
Daniel M. and D. Balnave. 1981. Responses of crossbred layers fed specific meal times. British Poultry Science. 22: 347-354.
Farmer M. and D.A. Roland. Calcium utilization in the laying hen, 1982. Poultry Science. 61, pp. 1378, 1982. (Abstract).
Hidayat C. and S.A. Asmarasari. 2015. Native chicken production in Indonesia: A review. Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia, 17 (1) p. 1-11.
Kerje S, O. Carlborg, L. Jacobsson, et al. 2003. The twofold difference in adult size between the red junglefowl and White Leghorn chickens is largely explained by a limited number of QTLs. Anim. Genet., 34: 264- 274.
Ketaren, P.P 2010. Kebutuhan gizi ternak Unggas di Indonesia. Wartazoa 20 (4):172-180.
Medway, L. and D.R. Wells, 1976. The Birds of the Malay Peninsula. Vol. 5, Witherby, London, P. 448.
Modu M.A., A.A. Benisheikh, T.A. Jibrin, A.M. Marte, and A.M. Ali. 2014. The effects of feeding time and regimen on the performance of broiler breeders: A review. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research : D. Agriculture and Veterinary, 14 (9) Version 1.0 Year 2014.
Nakkazi, C., D.R Kugonza, A. Kayitesi, H.E. Mulindwa, and M.W. Okot. 2015. The effect of diet and feeding system on the on-farm performance of local chickens during the early growth phase. Livestock Research for Rural Development 27 (10).
Nataamijaya, A.G. 2010. Pengembangan potensi ayam lokal untuk menunjang peningkatan kesejahteraan petani. Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, 29(4): 131-138.
Nishida, T., K. Tanaka, Y. Fujio, T. Shotake, A.M. Babjee, S.N. Nustaffa, T. Azam, and S.M.A. Babjee, 1975. Studies on the interrelationship between the Malaysian jungle fowl and native poultry and morphological investigations on native livestock in MalaysiaProgress report. University of Tokyo, Japan.
Peterson, A., and I. Brisbin. 1999. Genetic endangerment of wild Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus). Bird Conservation International, 9:387-394.
Pousga S., H. Boly, and B. Ogle. Choice feeding of poultry: a review. 2005. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 17, Art. #45. Retrieved July 17, 2017.
Price E.O. 1999. Behavioral development in animals undergoing domestication. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 65:245-271.
Putranto H.D. 2011. Suplementasi daun katuk terhadap ukuran ovarium dan oviduk serta tampilan produksi telur ayam burgo. Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia 6 (2): 103-114.
Putranto H.D., G.P. Hasibuan, Y. Yumiati, J. Setianto, B. Brata, N. Kurniati, dan F.F. Hakiki. 2017. The estimation of dynamical distribution of domesticated Burgo chicken population in Bengkulu Coastal Area, Indonesia. Biodiversitas, 18 (2): 458-464.
Rahayu, I. 2002. Karakteristik dan tingkah laku ayam hutan merah (Gallus gallus spadiseus) di dalam kurungan. Med. Pet., 24 (2):45-50.
Rauw W.M., E. Kanis, E.N. Noordhuizen-Stassen, and F.J. Grommers. 1998. Undesirable side effects of selection for high production efficiency in farm animals: a review. Livestock Production Science, 56:15-33.
Romanov M., and S. Weigend. 2001. Analysis of genetic relationships between various populations of domestic and jungle fowl using microsatellite markers. Poult Sci., 80: 1057-1063.
Schutz K.E., B. Forkman, and P. Jensen. 2001. Domestication effects on foraging strategy, social behaviour and different fear responses: a comparison between the red junglefowl (Gallus gallus) and a modern layer strain. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 74: 1-14.
Setianto, J., H. Prakoso, and Sutriyono. 2015. Performa produksi dan reproduksi ayam burgo pada peternakan rakyat di Kota Bengkulu. Proc. Seminar Nasional tentang Unggas Lokal V. Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, 18-19 November 2015.
Setianto, J., H. Prakoso, and Sutriyono. 2015a. Domestication of red jungle fowl: A case study of red jungle fowl mpoaching by communities in North Bengkulu. Pros Sem. Nas. Masy. Biodiv. Indon., 1 (2): 207-212.
Setianto J., H. Prakoso, and Sutriyono. 2014. Kajian domestikasi ayam hutan merah berbasis masyarakat serta strategi pengembangannya di Bengkulu. Laporan Penelitian. Universitas Bengkulu.
Setianto, J., Sutriyono, H. Prakoso, and B. Zein. 2016. Identification of the origin of the Red Junglefowl Reared by community in Seluma District. Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia,11 (2):141-152.
Soltanmoradi, M.G., A. Seidavi, M. Dadashbeiki, Fernando, Delgado, and S. Gamboa. 2013. Effect of time, amount and frequency of feeding on total egg production, fertility and hatchability in broiler breeders. Archiv Tierzucht, 56 (2013) 102, 1014 -1022, 2013.
Subhani A., M.S. Awan, M. Anwar, U. Ali, and N.I. Dar. 2010. Population status and distribution pattern of Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus murghi) in Deva Vatala National Park, Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Pakistan: A Pioneer Study. Pakistan J. Zool., 42(6): 701-706.
Sutriyono, J. Setianto, and H. Prakoso. 2016. Production and population of the red jungle fowl domestication in North Bengkulu District and population development scenario. Pros. Sem. Nas. Masy. Biodiv. Indon., 2 (2): 226-231.
Sutriyono, J. Setianto, H. Prakoso, and B. Zain. 2016a. Conservation and utilization of Red Junglefowl in the coastal areas of North Bengkulu. International Seminar sustainable utilization of coastal resources in tropical zone, 19-20 October, 2016, Bengkulu, Indonesia.
Vaisanen J. J. Hakansson, and P. Jensen. 2005. Social interactions in Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus) and White Leghorn layers in stable groups and after re-grouping. British Poultry Science, 46:156-168.
Warnoto. 2001. Analisis Produksi Telur Ayam Burgo yang Dipelihara Secara Tradisional di Bengkulu. Unib Deu-Like Award. Universitas Bengkulu.
West B. & B.X. Zhou. 1988. Did chickens go North? New evidence for domestication. Journal of Archaeological Science, 15: 515-533.
Zac Mackenzie, 2017. Husbandry Guidelines for Red Jungle Fowl Gallus gallus (Aves: Phasianidae.