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The chicken endemic in Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province, called burgo chicken, is the result of a cross between red jungle fowl and native chickens. The research aims to evaluate the production potential, population and population development scenarios of burgo chickens. The research was conducted in Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province for 3 months. Fifteen breeders obtained using the snowball sampling method were used in this research. Data was obtained through interviews, filling out questionnaires, and observation; namely egg production, chick production, and population. Data is tabulated, discussed descriptively, and population development scenarios are prepared. The results of the research showed that the burgo population was 92 hens, 55 roosters, 17 hens, and 20 chicks. The productive hen was 13, producing 43.76 eggs/hen/year, a total of 744 eggs/13 hen/year, 386 (51.88%) were incubated by the hen, and 340 eggs (88.08%) hatched. In conclusion, egg production per individual is quite high, chick production is low, and population development is slow due to the low number of eggs laid, high chick mortality, being eaten by predators, sold and consumed by breeders. The scenario for increasing population and production is to increase the number of hens, the number of eggs laid, reduces mortality, protects chickens from predators, and improves rearing management.
Key words: Burgo Chicken, Production and Population, Development Scenarios
Ayam endemik di Kabupaten Rejang Lebong, Provinsi Bengkulu yang disebut ayam burgo merupakan hasil persilangan antara ayam hutan merah dengan ayam kampung. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi potensi produksi, populasi dan skenario pengembangan populasi ayam burgo. Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Rejang Lebong, Provinsi Bengkulu selama 3 bulan. Lima belas peternak yang diperoleh dengan metode snowball sampling digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara, mengisi kuisioner, dan observasi; yaitu produksi telur, produksi anak ayam, dan populasi. Data ditabulasi, dibahas secara deskriptif, dan disusun skenario pengembangan populasi. Hasil penelitian, populasi burgo adalah 92 ekor ayam terdiri dari ayam jantan 55 ekor, induk ayam 17 ekor, dan anak ayam 20 ekor. Induk ayam produktif berjumlah 13 ekor, menghasilkan telur 43,76 butir telur/induk ayam/tahun, total 744 butir telur/13 induk ayam/tahun. Jumlah telur dieram induk ayam adalah 386 (51,88%) dan 340 butir telur (88,08%) menetas. Kesimpulan, produksi telur per individu cukup tinggi, produksi anak ayam rendah, dan perkembangan populasi lambat yang disebabkan oleh rendahnya jumlah telur dieram, tingginya kematian anak ayam, dimakan predator, dijual dan dikonsumsi oleh peternak. Skenario peningkatan populasi dan produksi adalah meningkatkan jumlah induk ayam, jumlah telur dieram, menurunkan angka kematian, melindungi ayam dari predator, dan memperbaiki manajemen pemeliharaan.
Kata kunci: Ayam Burgo, Produksi dan Populasi, Skenario Pengembangan
Article Details
- Abdullah, Z., and S.M.A. Babjee. 1982. Habitat preference of the Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus). Malaysian Applied Biology 11: 59-63.
- Anonim. 2009. Guidelines for the Re-introduction of Galliformes for Conservation Purposes. Association, World & Group, IUCN/Re-introduction & Angulo, Fernando & Bianchi, Carlos & Braun, Clait & Buner, Francis & Connelly, Jack & Corder, John & Fraser, Anna & Göth, Ann & Kock, Richard & Launay, Frederic & McGowan, Philip & Peirera, Sergio & Seddon, Philip & Soorae, Pritpal & Therune, Theron.
- Arshad, M.I., M. Zakarian, A.S. Sajap, dan A. Ismail. 2000. Food and feeding habits of Red Junglefowl. Pakistan Journal Biological Science 3 (6): 1024-1026.
- Belteky, J., B. Agnvall, M. Johnsson, D. Wright, dan P. Jensen. 2016. Domestication and tameness: brain gene expression in red junglefowl selected for less fear of humans suggests effects on reproduction and immunology. R. Soc. open sci.3: 160033.
- Collias, N. E., dan E.C. Collias. 1967. A field study of the Red Jungle Fowl in North-Central India. The Condor 69(4): 360–386.
- Collies, N. E., and P. Saichuae. 1967. Ecology of the Red Junglefowl in Thailand and Malaya with reference to the origin of domestication. The Natural History Bulletin Siam Society. 22: 189-209.
- Hidayat, C., and S. A. Asmarasari. 2015. Native chicken production in Indonesia: A review. Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia 17 (1):1-11.
- Kerje, S., O. Carlborg, L. Jacobsson et al. 2003. The twofold difference in adult size between the red junglefowl and White Leghorn chickens is largely explained by a limited number of QTLs. Animal Genetic 34:264-274.
- Ketaren, P.P. 2010. Kebutuhan gizi ternak Unggas di Indonesia. Wartazoa 20 (4):172-180.
- Medway, L. and D.R. Wells. 1976. The Birds of the Malay Peninsula. Vol. 5, Witherby, London, Pages: 448.
- Nataamijaya, A.G. 2000. The native chicken of Indonesia. Buletin Plasma Nutfah 6(1):1-6.
- Nataamijaya, A.G. 2010. Pengembangan potensi ayam lokal untuk menunjang peningkatan kesejahteraan petani. Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian 29(4): 131-13.
- Peterson, A. and I. Brisbin. 1999. Genetic endangerment of wild Red Junglefowl Gallus gallus?. Bird Conservation International. 9: 387-394.
- Price, E.O. 1999. Behavioral development in animals undergoing domestication. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 65:245-271.
- Putranto, H.D. 2011. Suplementasi daun katuk terhadap ukuran ovarium dan oviduk serta tampilan produksi telur ayam Burgo. Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia 6 (2): 103-114.
- Putranto, H.D., G.P. Hasibuan, Y. Yumiati, J. Setianto, B. Brata, N. Kurniati, F.F. Hakiki. 2017. The estimation of dynamical distribution of domesticated Burgo chicken population in Bengkulu Coastal Area, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 18 (2): 458-464.
- Rahayu, I. 2002. Karakteristik dan tingkah laku ayam hutan merah (Gallus gallus spadiseus) di dalam kurungan. Media Peternakan 24 (2):45-50.
- Rauw, W. M., E. Kanis, E. N. Noordhuizen-Stassen, and F. J. Grommers. 1998. Undesirable side effects of selection for high production efficiency in farm animals: a review. Livestock Production Science 56:15-33.
- Romanov, M., and S. Weigend. 2001. Analysis of genetic relationships between various populations of domestic and jungle fowl using microsatellite markers. Poultry Science 80: 1057-1063.
- Schutz, K.E., B. Forkman and P. Jensen. 2001. Domestication effects on foraging strategy, social behaviour and different fear responses: a comparison between the red junglefowl (Gallus gallus) and a modern layer strain. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 74: 1-14.
- Setianto, J., H. Prakoso, dan Sutriyono. 2014. Kajian domestikasi ayam hutan merah berbasis masyarakat serta strategi pengembangannya di Bengkulu. Laporan Penelitian. Universitas Bengkulu.
- Setianto, J., H. Prakoso, Sutriyono. 2015a . Domestikasi ayam hutan merah: Studi kasus penangkapan ayam hutan merah oleh masyarakat di Bengkulu Utara. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia 1(2): 207- 212.
- Setianto, J., H. Prakoso, Sutriyono. 2015b. Domestication of red jungle fowl: A case study of red jungle fowl mpoaching by communities in North Bengkulu. Prosising Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia 1 (2): 207-212.
- Setianto, J., H. Prakoso, Sutriyono. 2015c. Performa produksi dan reproduksi ayam burgo pada peternakan rakyat di Kota Bengkulu. Prosding Seminar Nasional tentang Unggas Lokal V. Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, 18-19 November 2015.
- Setianto, J., Sutriyono, Prakoso H., Zein B. 2016. Identification of the origin of the Red Jungle Fowl reared by community in Seluma District. Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia 11 (2): 141-152.
- Subhani, A., M.S. Awan, M. Anwar, U. Ali, dan N.I. Dar. 2010. Population status and distribution pattern of Red Jungle Fowl (Gallus gallus murghi) in Deva Vatala National Park, Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Pakistan: A Pioneer Study. Pakistan Jornal of Zoology 42(6): 701-706.
- Sutriyono, J. Setianto, dan H. Prakoso. 2016. Production and population of the red jungle fowl domestication in North Bengkulu District and population development scenario. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia 2 (2): 226-231. [Indonesian].
- Sutriyono, J. Setianto, H. Prakoso, dan B. Zain. 2016a. Conservation and utilization of Red Jungle Fowl in the Coastal Areas of North Bengkulu. International Seminar sustainable utilization of coastal resources in tropical zone, 19-20 October, 2016, Bengkulu, Indonesia.
- Vaisanen J. J. Hakansson and P. Jensen. 2005. Social interactions in Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus) and White Leghorn layers in stable groups and after re-grouping. British Poultry Science 46:156-168.
- Warnoto. 2001. Analisis Produksi Telur Ayam Burgo yang Dipelihara Secara Tradisional di Bengkulu. Unib Deu-Like Award. Universitas Bengkulu.
- West, B., and B.X. Zhou. 1988. Did chickens go North? New evidence for domestication. Journal of Archaeological Science 15: 515-533.
Abdullah, Z., and S.M.A. Babjee. 1982. Habitat preference of the Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus). Malaysian Applied Biology 11: 59-63.
Anonim. 2009. Guidelines for the Re-introduction of Galliformes for Conservation Purposes. Association, World & Group, IUCN/Re-introduction & Angulo, Fernando & Bianchi, Carlos & Braun, Clait & Buner, Francis & Connelly, Jack & Corder, John & Fraser, Anna & Göth, Ann & Kock, Richard & Launay, Frederic & McGowan, Philip & Peirera, Sergio & Seddon, Philip & Soorae, Pritpal & Therune, Theron.
Arshad, M.I., M. Zakarian, A.S. Sajap, dan A. Ismail. 2000. Food and feeding habits of Red Junglefowl. Pakistan Journal Biological Science 3 (6): 1024-1026.
Belteky, J., B. Agnvall, M. Johnsson, D. Wright, dan P. Jensen. 2016. Domestication and tameness: brain gene expression in red junglefowl selected for less fear of humans suggests effects on reproduction and immunology. R. Soc. open sci.3: 160033.
Collias, N. E., dan E.C. Collias. 1967. A field study of the Red Jungle Fowl in North-Central India. The Condor 69(4): 360–386.
Collies, N. E., and P. Saichuae. 1967. Ecology of the Red Junglefowl in Thailand and Malaya with reference to the origin of domestication. The Natural History Bulletin Siam Society. 22: 189-209.
Hidayat, C., and S. A. Asmarasari. 2015. Native chicken production in Indonesia: A review. Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia 17 (1):1-11.
Kerje, S., O. Carlborg, L. Jacobsson et al. 2003. The twofold difference in adult size between the red junglefowl and White Leghorn chickens is largely explained by a limited number of QTLs. Animal Genetic 34:264-274.
Ketaren, P.P. 2010. Kebutuhan gizi ternak Unggas di Indonesia. Wartazoa 20 (4):172-180.
Medway, L. and D.R. Wells. 1976. The Birds of the Malay Peninsula. Vol. 5, Witherby, London, Pages: 448.
Nataamijaya, A.G. 2000. The native chicken of Indonesia. Buletin Plasma Nutfah 6(1):1-6.
Nataamijaya, A.G. 2010. Pengembangan potensi ayam lokal untuk menunjang peningkatan kesejahteraan petani. Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian 29(4): 131-13.
Peterson, A. and I. Brisbin. 1999. Genetic endangerment of wild Red Junglefowl Gallus gallus?. Bird Conservation International. 9: 387-394.
Price, E.O. 1999. Behavioral development in animals undergoing domestication. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 65:245-271.
Putranto, H.D. 2011. Suplementasi daun katuk terhadap ukuran ovarium dan oviduk serta tampilan produksi telur ayam Burgo. Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia 6 (2): 103-114.
Putranto, H.D., G.P. Hasibuan, Y. Yumiati, J. Setianto, B. Brata, N. Kurniati, F.F. Hakiki. 2017. The estimation of dynamical distribution of domesticated Burgo chicken population in Bengkulu Coastal Area, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 18 (2): 458-464.
Rahayu, I. 2002. Karakteristik dan tingkah laku ayam hutan merah (Gallus gallus spadiseus) di dalam kurungan. Media Peternakan 24 (2):45-50.
Rauw, W. M., E. Kanis, E. N. Noordhuizen-Stassen, and F. J. Grommers. 1998. Undesirable side effects of selection for high production efficiency in farm animals: a review. Livestock Production Science 56:15-33.
Romanov, M., and S. Weigend. 2001. Analysis of genetic relationships between various populations of domestic and jungle fowl using microsatellite markers. Poultry Science 80: 1057-1063.
Schutz, K.E., B. Forkman and P. Jensen. 2001. Domestication effects on foraging strategy, social behaviour and different fear responses: a comparison between the red junglefowl (Gallus gallus) and a modern layer strain. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 74: 1-14.
Setianto, J., H. Prakoso, dan Sutriyono. 2014. Kajian domestikasi ayam hutan merah berbasis masyarakat serta strategi pengembangannya di Bengkulu. Laporan Penelitian. Universitas Bengkulu.
Setianto, J., H. Prakoso, Sutriyono. 2015a . Domestikasi ayam hutan merah: Studi kasus penangkapan ayam hutan merah oleh masyarakat di Bengkulu Utara. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia 1(2): 207- 212.
Setianto, J., H. Prakoso, Sutriyono. 2015b. Domestication of red jungle fowl: A case study of red jungle fowl mpoaching by communities in North Bengkulu. Prosising Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia 1 (2): 207-212.
Setianto, J., H. Prakoso, Sutriyono. 2015c. Performa produksi dan reproduksi ayam burgo pada peternakan rakyat di Kota Bengkulu. Prosding Seminar Nasional tentang Unggas Lokal V. Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, 18-19 November 2015.
Setianto, J., Sutriyono, Prakoso H., Zein B. 2016. Identification of the origin of the Red Jungle Fowl reared by community in Seluma District. Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia 11 (2): 141-152.
Subhani, A., M.S. Awan, M. Anwar, U. Ali, dan N.I. Dar. 2010. Population status and distribution pattern of Red Jungle Fowl (Gallus gallus murghi) in Deva Vatala National Park, Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Pakistan: A Pioneer Study. Pakistan Jornal of Zoology 42(6): 701-706.
Sutriyono, J. Setianto, dan H. Prakoso. 2016. Production and population of the red jungle fowl domestication in North Bengkulu District and population development scenario. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia 2 (2): 226-231. [Indonesian].
Sutriyono, J. Setianto, H. Prakoso, dan B. Zain. 2016a. Conservation and utilization of Red Jungle Fowl in the Coastal Areas of North Bengkulu. International Seminar sustainable utilization of coastal resources in tropical zone, 19-20 October, 2016, Bengkulu, Indonesia.
Vaisanen J. J. Hakansson and P. Jensen. 2005. Social interactions in Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus) and White Leghorn layers in stable groups and after re-grouping. British Poultry Science 46:156-168.
Warnoto. 2001. Analisis Produksi Telur Ayam Burgo yang Dipelihara Secara Tradisional di Bengkulu. Unib Deu-Like Award. Universitas Bengkulu.
West, B., and B.X. Zhou. 1988. Did chickens go North? New evidence for domestication. Journal of Archaeological Science 15: 515-533.