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The pandemic of COVID-19 situation has converted the teaching and learning process from face-to-face interaction in the classroom into virtual classroom environment. This condition caused challenges for many parties, including teachers as the main agent in the classroom. This study is intended to find out the teachers’ barriers and supports in conducting online learning. A descriptive qualitative method design through an open-ended questionnaire was chosen. Interview were also used to triangulate the data. Twenty-one teachers from sub-urban areas in Cimahi and Bandung were selected as the participants. The findings revealed three issues becoming teachers' challenges, namely, technology, course content, and students. In the first issue, the classic problem of online learning occurred, which was internet connectivity. The second problem was that the teachers had obstacles in making adjustments to design, deliver, and follow-up the material. Then the last issue was the students’ participation as well as technological access. Regarding the supports, the teachers had gained back up from the government, school, and parent in conducting online learning. Furthermore, this study recommended three optional solutions to help the teacher facing their barriers in virtual teaching, in terms of students’ participation in online learning, learning materials, and facilities in supporting the learning activities.


challenges online learning support system teachers.

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How to Cite
Bhuana, G. P., & Apriliyanti, D. L. (2021). Teachers’ Encounter of Online Learning: Challenges and Support System. Journal of English Education and Teaching, 5(1), 110–122.


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