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Code-switching is a common phenomenon in a bilingual and multilingual society. People utilize codes in different forms of interactions for various reasons and functions. This paper investigates the types and functions of code-switching between English and Bahasa Indonesia that occur in lyrics. Fifteen Indonesian songs produced from 2009 to 2019 were examined. This analysis reveals that four types of code-switching occur in the lyrics of Indonesian popular songs: code-switching between sentences (intersentential), code-switching within sentences (intrasentential), code-switching involving changes of pronunciation, and emblematic code-switching. It further reveals that the functions of code-switching in the lyrics vary from discussing particular topics, lexical needs and availability, being emphatic, expressing group identity, simplifying words and expressions, and conveying a strong emotion/gaining attention.


Code-switching popular songs intrasentential intersentential emblematic

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Author Biography

Rahmawaty Kadir, University of Alberta

Rahmawaty Kadir is a Ph.D. candidate in Second Langauge Studies at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. She completed her master's degree in TESOL at Hawaii Pacific University, Honolulu, Hawaii in 2013. She taught in Baku Azerbaijan for some years before moving to Canada to pursue her doctoral degree.  Her research interests cover ESL/EFL pedagogy, bilingualism/multilingualism, mother tongue education, and indigenous language preservation and maintenance.

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