Diterbitkan: May 26, 2018

The Effect of Jajar Legowo Planting System on Ciherang Paddy Varieties

1-8 Darwati Susilastuti, Aditiameri Aditiameri, Ubuh Buchori

Soil Water Release Curves : Indicator to Suit Sustainable Cropping Scheme under Sloppy Rain-Fed Climatic Conditions of Pothowar Plateau of Punjab-Pakistan

9-24 Rehmat Ullah, Shehzada Munawar Mehdi, Khalid Saif Ullah Khan, Aftab Ahmed Sheikh, Sigit Mujiharjo, Muhammad Saud

Mineralization of Organic Residues, Dynamics of Microbial Biomass and Enzyme Activities in an Aridisol and Alfisol Soil under Rain-Fed Dry Farming

25-36 Rehmat Ullah, Shehzada Munawar Mehdi, Khalid Saif Ullah Khan, Aftab Ahmed Sheikh, Endang Sulistyowati, Muhammad Saud

Agroindustrial Study of Banana Crackers and Salai Based on Income, Value Added and Break Even Point

37-46 Lukman Hidayat, Hidayat Koto, Odi Andanu

Influence of Inlet Position on the Amount of Pollutant Particles Trapped Along the Flow Path of Slow Sand Filter (SSF) Pipe Utilized for Filtering Swamp Water

47-55 Sigit Mujiharjo, Syafnil Syafnil, Ilma Donna Astri Harahap

Poverty Occurrency Probability on Oil Palm Farmer Households

56-61 Nyayu Neti Arianti, Muhamad Harismanto, Agus Purwoko