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Ministry of Education highlights the role of teachers in improving students' literacy, and the Text-Based Approach has shown its capability in improving students’ literacy skills. It can be seen that the Text-Based Approach is implemented in the latest curriculum Kurikulum Merdeka. In relation to the post-pandemic era, online learning is familiarly applied in educational settings. However, it is not easy to implement a Text-Based Approach in an online learning setting. Thus, this research seeks to investigate the difficulties in implementing a Text-Based Approach for teaching reading in the online setting and explore teachers’ strategies in dealing with the difficulties. This research used a qualitative method through open-ended questionnaires as an initial screening and online interview with five High School English Teachers in West Java, Bandung. The findings show that the issues faced by the teachers are miscommunication in learning due to unstable connectivity, limited teaching duration, and technical errors.


Text-Based Approach Online Learning Teaching Reading

Article Details

Author Biography

Didi Sukyadi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Vice Rector and Lecturer of UPI.

How to Cite
Meidianti, R., Sukyadi, D., & Damayanti, I. L. (2024). Teachers’ difficulties and strategies in teaching reading online under text-based approach. JOALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literature), 9(1), 20–40.


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