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The research was conducted to find the perceptions of English teachers and students toward the use of authentic reading materials in schools. The study was conducted at three junior high schools in Pamekasan. A research survey was employed with seven steps: (1) Questionnaire Development and Validation; (2) Try-Out; (3) Questionnaire Distribution; (4) Data Analysis; (5) Interview; (6) Result; and (7) Conclusion. In collecting the data, two kinds of instruments, consisting of a close-ended questionnaire, were distributed via Google form to six English teachers and 73 students in grade nine, and an interview with the English teachers was conducted. Using SPSS for data analysis, the results showed that 83.3% of teachers strongly agreed that authentic materials are up-to-date and relevant to everyday life, with an average score of 3.8 on a 4-point Likert scale. For students, 75.3% agreed that authentic materials increased their interest in reading English texts, with an average score of 3.1.  The research findings revealed that authentic reading materials in the ninth grade had various advantages; the material taught is easy to understand, up-to-date, relevant to everyday life, increases the students’ motivation, and mastering vocabulary. Meanwhile, there were various disadvantages; students still feel sluggish when they must read the assigned text; they require more time to grasp the text; it is difficult to locate appropriate authentic material for students; and students hope that teacher will leave the class soon. In conclusion, while authentic reading materials present certain challenges, their benefits in enhancing student engagement and motivation outweigh the drawbacks. Teachers can address these challenges by implementing a variety of solutions to improve the teaching and learning process.


Authentic Materials reading junior high school

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Author Biographies

Lailiy Kurnia Ilahi, Department of Management, Universitas KH. Bahaudin Mudhary Madura, INDONESIA

Lailiy Kurnia Ilahi is an English lecturer at Universitas KH. Bahaudin Mudhary Madura. She holds a Master of Education in English Language Teaching from Universitas Negeri Malang, graduating cum laude. Lailiy has taught in Indonesia and Thailand and is involved in educational and cultural exchange programs, reflecting her commitment to innovative teaching and cross-cultural communication. Her research interests are primarily focused on writing, grammar, and linguistics. Throughout her academic career, she has dedicated herself to exploring these areas, contributing to the understanding and advancement of English language education.

Maghfiroh Agustinasari S, Department of English, Universitas Negeri Malang, INDONESIA

Maghfiroh Agustinasari Suprapto is an accomplished academic with a strong background in English language studies. She earned her bachelor's degree (S1) from Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang and pursued her master's degree (S2) in English Education at Universitas Negeri Malang.

Moh. Taufik, Department of Management, Universitas KH. Bahaudin Mudhary Madura, INDONESIA

Graduated from Bachelor and Master’s degree of English Language Teaching program, having an interest in Applied Linguistics Research, and currently teaching English in a private higher education.

Roziyan Adi Wicaksana, Department of Management, Universitas KH. Bahaudin Mudhary Madura, INDONESIA

Roziyan Adi Wicaksana has completed Bachelor of English Language Education in 2014 at STKIP PGRI Bangkalan and in 2020 has completed Master of English at Islamic University of Malang. The author is an English lecturer at the Management Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, Bahaudin Mudhary Madura University

How to Cite
Ilahi, L. K., Agustinasari S, M., Taufik, M., & Wicaksana, R. A. (2024). Teachers and Students’ Perception Toward English Authentic Reading Materials Used in Junior High School. JOALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literature), 9(2), 393–416.


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